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a/n: thank you to Tali who requested this drabble for the TIU celebration

prompt: I'd love to see the conversation Jungkook and his family had when he told them he was moving back and that he was back with MC...

Jungkook's never been nervous about video calling his family. He's done it plenty of times while he's moved to LA. Only this time, he was letting them know that he was moving back home again.

It rings a few times before Yuna picks up the call.

"Hey, Kook. What's up?"

Indie is on Yuna's hip, shrieking at the top of her lungs to escape from her arms. Yuna blinks, then closes her eyes at the screaming child, putting her down on the ground to run off.

"Someone's not happy," Jungkook says.

"Yeah, it's time for bubbles, and she was so traumatized from the bath bomb that Joonie put in there. I don't know why he thought red would be a good color for a child."

Jungkook laughs. "I can see how it could be terrifying."

"Anyway—what's up?"

"So, you know how ___ and I are back together?"

Yuna giggles. "Mmhm, a little bird told me. What about it?"

Jungkook clears his throat. "I, um, I'm moving back too."

Shuffling could be heard in the background, then his mom appears in the frame. "My baby is coming home too? Oh, I need to give my beautiful girl a big fat kiss!"


"No, but I knew it! I called it! I knew you two would get back together someday, somehow, and I must have done something great in my past life in order for this to happen," his mom exclaimed before running out of the frame.

Yuna laughs and shakes her head at her mom. "So, you're coming back home, huh?"

Jungkook could hear the hesitancy in her tone. "Don't worry about us, Noona."

"Me? Worried? Why would I be?"

From the background, Jungkook could hear his mom. "If you hurt her again, I will personally put you in the ground myself! Do you hear me!"

"Yes, Mom," he says in a dragging tone.

"What mom said—and, um, I'm glad you'll be back, Kook, I am. But let's not repeat the past, okay?"

Jungkook nods. "I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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