chapter 32

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With a big yawn I pushed myself upright and stretched my arms over my head letting all the achy and stiff muscles in my arms and back flex and pop. 

Warm rays of sunlight shined down upon me, making me nearly moan at how nice it felt. Rubbing my eyes I blinked away the sleep in them before glancing around at the forest surrounding me.

The area was heavily shaded by the wispy branches of the surrounding trees, only allowing a few pillars of light to penetrate their thick canopies. Large clusters of small purple blossoms surrounded us, with a few stray ferns growing here and there throughout the open space. 

The strange little flowers seemed to move as the small tendril-like stamen slowly danced around with no real coordination or purpose. 

Glancing back I found Elazar leaned up against a tree behind me peacefully asleep. had he been keeping watch all night? He usually wakes long before I ever do so seeing him like this is surprising, I wonder if all the events of yesterday wore him out?

Carefully moving onto my hands and knees I quietly crawled over next to him curious. He always had such a stern look on his face whenever he was awake but seeing him asleep like this, there was a sense of peace across his features that he rarely showed. 

His arms and legs were crossed with his spear resting against his shoulder in his arms. He always keeps his weapons close as if something could jump out and attack at any moment… turning my head to look around the forest I bit my lip at that thought

Probably because anything could attack at any given moment. Shaking that worry from my head I looked back to El and trailed my gaze over his body. He bore quite a few scars on his arms and backside but none of them really seemed to take away from his overall beauty. 

I could see the cuts from the damp torn bush, covering his arms and legs. That probably hurt like a bitch. Holding my injured hand up I looked over all the cuts I had obtained when trying to free him. Had that plant grabbed me instead I'd probably be dead… 

All the events that took place inside the cave came flooding back to mind, especially the memory of Elazar breaking down. I never thought one of these natives could be so emotional, Elazar always puts up a strong front showing little to no signs of weakness.

But the look of horror on his face as he pulled away from me, that was new. He seemed so broken and ashamed. Like he had done something so unforgivable. I couldn't really understand the reason behind why he reacted in such a way but I had a feeling it was a lot more complex than it looked.

You don't just simply freak out like that over a simple mistake. Has someone hurt him? That's the only reasonable explanation I could come up with, because I've dealt with that same trauma for years. 

Who could've made a brutish man like Elazar look so weak and defeated? What did they do to him? What did I do to him…

I somehow triggered whatever insecurities were weaved into his mind, without even trying. Maybe I shouldn't be so mean to him and tease him so much. He's been nothing but good to me, and I've concluded it's just in his nature. He's one of those naturally good people who just want to help, and don't want compensation like others. Whereas I'm nothing but trouble.

I've always been the one who ends up making things harder for those around me. Even if I don't mean to, somehow I just make situations worse by being present. Yesterday was a perfect example of such. Had I not distracted Elazar he never would've gotten hurt, I was nothing but a burden for him to bear the entire time we were inside that cavern. All I do is cause him more trouble than needed.

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