chapter 50

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Faux! My arm throbbed in pain as blue blood streamed down from my bicep to my fingertips and dripped on the ground.

I know I'm lucky to even be alive, getting hit by the humans strange weapon could have been fatal had it hit me in the chest, stomach or any other area with vitals then things would've turned out much worse. 

Immediately after Dispatching the two humans I had encountered before, I made my way back towards the cave. I needed to stop the rest of them, before they found kora and kion. 

Bringing kora and kion to safety was my first priority, once I could be sure they were out of harm's way then I could take care of the humans and-

"Elazar!" A familiar voice shouted from ahead, slowing my pace. I could see Kion rushing towards me. Wait what is he doing out here alone?! How did he get past the humans? Where's Kora?!

"El t-theres a group of humans they came to the camp looking for your mate a-and they looked dangerous! Kora said they were after her and told me to hide! I didn't want to but we couldn't fight all of them-"

My stomach sank as he continued sputtering. The humans already got to the cave, Kion looks unharmed but what about kora? What did they do to her?!  I quickly grabbed Kion by the shoulders to stop him from rambling. "Kion, where is she?!"

He looked at me with so much worry and guilt in his eyes. "T-they took her… b-but they couldn't have gone too far! We can still track them! They went this way!" Kion started running, moving away, ushering for me to follow him. 

Thunder and lightning cracked through the sky as a heavy downfall started pouring down on us and I cursed under my breath. The rain could wash away any scents and the tracks if I don't hurry. Snatching Kion's wrist I quickly pulled him back.

"Go back to the cave, gather our things and take them to the southern cavern."

He seemed surprised and disheartened by the order. "But I can help!" 

"No, not like this. Please kion just do as I say, humans are too dangerous. I'll get kora back and we will meet you at the cavern. make sure to have some warm try blankets and medicine ready just in case. "

He grit his teeth and his tail thumped against the ground but he nodded as I let him go. After a moment he ran back to our campsite. I looked in the direction kion said the humans went and gripped my spear tightly while silently praying to myself. 'Hold on Kora please!'

Rushing through the forest I tried to stay on the trail left behind by the humans but the heavy rains were making it harder to track. Visibility was low and the mud was slowing me down. As I entered the twisted forest I nearly lost all signs of the humans and started becoming desperate in my search.

Where did they go! Where! Where?!I pushed forward until I finally caught sight of the group. I hid behind the thick base of one of  the twisted roots and watched the group. They were idling standing outside the entrance to a scalworg nest, looking for something. Almost instantly my eyes locked onto Kora as she tripped and fell. 

I was seconds from throwing my spear and impaling one of the men beside her as they attempted to roughly pull her back to her feet, but before I could do so I was surprised to see her take both men down. 

The rest of them turned on her after hearing the commotion and I came out from behind my hiding spot to rush towards them to help her. My eyes followed kora's movements as she turned on their leader and lunged for him. I stopped in my tracks horrified as she tackled the man and they both fell into the pit, disappearing from sight. 

Rise of The Fallen (unedited Version) (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat