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Apollo did not know why, but he found himself standing near the riverside where he had first met the h/c woman

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Apollo did not know why, but he found himself standing near the riverside where he had first met the h/c woman. There was a distant look in his eyes as he stared away at the horizon. Memories of her flooded his mind and it weighed his heart down more.

Did he not deserve another chance?

He shut his eyes, immersing himself in her memories. He had full trust in their friendship but maybe she didn't treasure their bond as much as he did.

He exhale a sigh and turn to leave. However, as he was about to walk off. He heard the crunching of leaves making him stop in his track. His heart beat paced up.

'Y/n..' he thought to himself before he had even turn to see who it was. It was as if his heart and soul knew it was her. He turned and behold it was indeed her. Standing a few foot away, a pitcher on her hips. Her eyes widen as she meet his gaze.

It seemed as though the world had stop still and so had time as they stood on each end, gazing into one another. One in surprise and remorse yet the other in grief.

"Y/n..." Apollo called out, her name seemed almost foreign in his lips like he hadn't called her names out in ages when it had been just weeks. His voice almost trembled at the end. It was as if he was afraid she would run away. It would greatly hurt him if she were to turn her back on him and disappear into the woods again.

A still silence filled the air.

She had not expected to meet Apollo when she had decided to go fetch some water on the riverside. She did not know what to say. In her heart she had forgiven him the very day he had confessed. But Hermes didn't wish for her to let the golden haired prince enter her life again and she did not want to upset him when he had showered her with only love and treated her like a queen.

Apollo turned to leave after a while, taking her silence as a sign she had still not forgiven him and as such did not wish to converse with him. However, when he turned his back on her. Her sweet voice, he had longed to hear since the past few weeks, called out to him.


It was almost like an involuntary action. It was like her soul did not wish him to leave. For them to fall apart.

The sun god turned to her with a surprise look on his handsome visage. She appeared as much surprise as he did. "Umm..." a nervous look flashed in her hues. She needed to say something. She couldn't just call out to him and tell him it was nothing and ask him to get out of her life. She already couldn't bear to watch the pain in his eyes as he stared at her. It weighed her heart down to know she was the reason behind the grave look in his serene golden hues.

She knew Hermes is the love of her life and she did not wished to upset him at any cost. Nevertheless she could not bear to watch Apollo in pain. More like, her soul couldn't bear to watch his eyes filled with turmoil.

"I- I have forgiven you, Apollo." She stuttered out. Her heart felt at ease as she uttered those words she had been suppressing for so long. Her pupils dilated and she gaze at him with such a tender look, it made him want to run over and embrace her in his strong arms. "I have forgiven you." She repeated, this time more firm and loud.

He stood still, his hand clenched in a tight fist to suppressed his tears.

"I am sorry. I failed to turn up that day." She apologised. "I am sorry I let you keep hurting. I am really sorry, I—"

"Can I hold you in my arms just once, y/n?"

𝗜𝗡𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗔𝗕𝗟𝗘 [𝘼𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙭𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧]    Where stories live. Discover now