02|| I guess

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Peaks of morning light shone through the corridor as a h/c haired girl walked along a stoned path with a basket in hand. Her head softly bopped to the music that she had been playing through her headphones as she made her way outside to a small lake

Sitting down on a bench, she slid her headphones around her neck, smiling as some ducks gathered in front of her in the small body of water

"Good morning!"

"SquAck squAck"

"O-oh right, sorry," Taking a jar of oats out of the basket, she opens it and sprinkles some into the lake for them to eat. The ducks had first interested the h/c haired girl when they suddenly approached her one day in her second year during lunch

They were trying to steal her food, but she ended up feeling bad for them so she took it upon herself to feed them every once in a while. After reading a few books she was surprised to find out that ducks weren't supposed to be fed breadcrumbs because of their low nutritional value which could potentially kill them, so she would do some research beforehand and bring them something new to eat every time she visited

As the ducks scattered off to eat the oats, Y/n smiled and ate her own breakfast which consisted of an apple and a muffin. It was still early in the morning so most of the students were still asleep, meaning that it was very quiet out

Some people would cringe at the thought of waking up so early, but waking up never proved to be a problem for the e/c eyed girl because she didn't sleep in the first place lol

See, Y/n was one of the many people in the world who had insomnia, and on good days she could probably get around 3 hours of sleep before her mind knocked herself awake again. It had first started around the time she was in fourth grade, and although it had frustrated her at first she had come to peace with it over time

Actually, that was the reason she was allowed her own dorm in the first place, being that she could spend her time productively without disturbing the other students as they slept. Even if her insomnia came with many cons, the e/c eyed girl tried to look on the brighter side of things

For example, now. She was able to get up and about early in the mornings, a bonus being that the great hall was nearly empty at this time so she could run in and grab a few snacks without having to see so many people

It was also the only reason she hadn't been falling behind in all of her classes. Since she basically had a full 24 hours every single day to do whatever she liked, she decided to spend it productively rather than helplessly lying down on her bed in the hopes of some magical sleepy time fairy coming to put her to sleep

She spent most of her long nights studying or picking up random hobbies that interested her in the moment. Lately, her newest hobby has been sketching. It's not like she had never done it before, but she had been gifted a new set of prismacolor pencils over the summer so she decided to put them to good use rather than using them once and then throwing them into her desk never to be seen again

Pulling out her sketchpad, she started drawing the scene before her. Today only three ducks had been in the lake, and they were those she identified as Wilbur, Veronitisha and Ducky Momo

Yes, she did name all of the ducks

And no, she couldn't tell any of them apart

She was really just guessing which one was which, but the way she would esthetically call out to them with so much confidence made the ducks feel too bad to correct her whenever she mistook them for another, so they kinda just played along to keep her hopes high

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