Chapter One

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"It's a wonderful Monday morning here in Lakefall and I have a feeling that today will be fantastic! I mean, look outside that window and see that glories sun rising to greet the day. So as your favourite local DJ, here a song from Dragon Box band group from the east side of our small town and I know y'all will enjoy them as much as I have—"
Radio switched off, as Naomi slipped out of bed, sitting on the edge of the bed and yawned loud while stretching her arms and back.

Her long wavy golden blonde locks flowed down her back, her greenish/greyish eyes flittered opened and stared out the window, seeing the golden rays of the morning sun. Her pulp rosy lips tilted up into a soft smile, "It's already Monday..." She whispered under her breath, then she stood and yawned once again. "I must get ready for school..."

Naomi gracefully walked across her bedroom, as her white nightgown slowly slid down her soft skin down to the bathroom floor. Humming a sweet sound, stepping into the shower and a warm shower of water streamed over her body. She continues to hum her sweet song as she bathes and when drying herself. Her mood was pleasing in the morning. Well, she has always been this way, joyful and carefree. That who everyone knows.

After getting dressed in her white shirt and black pencil skirt, slipping into a nice pair of four-inches heels. Her hair tied high in a ponytail, and handbag in hand as she steps out of her two-story house. As she stepped out, her old neighbour, Mrs Becker, waves over to Naomi. "Good morning!" She said.

"Good morning, Mrs Becker!" Your garden is looking lovely as always," Naomi said, waving back, walking towards her car. Naomi lived in a family friendly neighbourhood, alone in a three-bedroom house. Single and without children. The people living in that area are only families, old retired couples, and young married couples. The only odd one there was Naomi, but everyone loves her, and they do not mind her, she was this beautiful and caring person who everyone can get along with.

"Oh, you flatter me, Naomi," Mrs Becker said, blushing slightly. "Have a good day!"

"Same to you!" She called out as she opened the driver's side door and waved again back her neighbour as she jumped in. As Mrs Becker wave back at Naomi as she pulled out of her driveway. Driving off down the road, Naomi would see some neighbours and they either exchange friendly smiles or brief wave to one another.

Along her drive to work, she turned the radio on, and instrumental music gently played out from the speakers as she drove. Lakefall, a small town found in the state of Minnesota, a quiet town with a small population which meant everyone knew everyone. The pollution was low, surrounded by nature, and the people were welcoming. A town like this can make one smile even though the weather can be unforgiving, especially in the winter.

Pulling into the Lakefall High School parking lot, where Naomi taught history for two years. She parked her car next to a fellow teacher's car, Mr Olivier Pierce, a young man in his mid-twenties, teaches mathematics in the high school. He was born and raised in Lakefall; he loved this town, and the town knew him for not only mathematical gifts but also for his handsome looks and charm. His hair was short brown curly and had a beautiful light chocolate brown eyes. Young and old women would fall head over heels for him.

Mr Olivier hurried over to Naomi's driver's side door and opened the door for her, blushing slightly and giggled as she grabbed her handbag, stepping out of her car. Mr Olivier flashed his pearl white teeth as he smiled warmly to her as stepped out. "Good morning, Olivier," Naomi greeted.

"Glorious morning, Naomi," he greeted back, closing the door. Olivier not only blessed with good looks and brains but also, he was a true gentleman. He was sweet and kind, always there to lend a helping hand and always gives his time for those in need. "How are you today?" He asked, as they both strolled towards the school building.

Naomi chuckled, "so far so good, just another Monday of teaching."

"I hope you haven't forgotten our date—I mean our... Huh... Drinks, after school," he groaned in frustration and embarrassment, lowering his gaze and muttering disappointment to himself.

"Olivier," she chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder causing him to lift his head and gaze back at her. "I'm okay with whatever you want to call it. Also, I never forget a promise and never break one." She said, smiling at him warmly.

He smiled back at her and pushed his glasses back up, "I'll meet you at the cafe then?" She nodded her head and his smile widened in excitement like a child. "I'll see you later then," he said, running straight to the school building, leaving Naomi chuckling to herself.

Once inside the school building, students would greet Naomi and she too would smile back at her students. The students in Lakefall High loved Miss Naomi Hill, she not only an excellent teacher but also a person whom the students could easily trust and talk to when they need any advice and guidance.

The bell has rung to school to mark the start of Monday lessons for the students and teachers, Naomi taught her lessons as normal with ease and with pride. The rest of the day, everything seemed normal and wonderful for her day's work until the last bell rung, marking the end of Monday school day. After saying her farewell, she left the school, heading straight to the café to meet Olivier as promised.

Naomi did not know why Olivier asked her out for coffee, but she could not say no, so now here she was, heading to the local town's café. Entering the café, she spots Olivier waving her over to his table, a wide grin on his face as she approached the table. "I'm so glad you can make it!" He said.

"How can I say no," Naomi said, Olivier quickly stood and hurried to pull out a seat for her. "Thank you," she murmured under her breath as she took a seat and he pushed her in. Once he hurried back to his seat, she called over a waitress to place an order.

After the waitress left, the two fellow friends began chatting up with Naomi, talking with a warm smile and Olivier being all nervous. When Naomi's drink placed in front of her, Olivier became slightly serious. "Huh... Naomi, I was... Thinking..." He said, lowering his gaze.

"Yes?" She asked.

"What would be your typical guy?"


Olivier's face turned red in embarrassment as Naomi chuckled softly, "if you were to go on a date with a guy? What would be your typical date?" He asked again, nervous and ashamed for his boldness but his interested in knowing, hoping he did not cross any line.

This question took her by surprise, though Olivier would ask such a personal question. Well, her neighbours would ask, hoping to hook her up with someone they know. "I can't say really, I'm okay with a good honest man," she said, the same answer she would give a nosy neighbour. Tilting her head, "why do you ask?" She asked.

"You see," he took a deep breath, then sighed. "Miss Hill, would you do me the honour on going in an official date with me this weekend?" He stared straight at her. It shocked her, he could see it clear as day, written on her face. "If you—"

"No, no, no!" She cuts him off, "huh... Of course, I am surprised..." Taking a deep breath, she smiled, "I'm free on Saturday, we can go on that date."

A wide grin appeared on Olivier's face, "thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise I'll make it a night you won't forget." Naomi just chuckled, glad to see someone happy.

After finishing their drinks, Olivier accompanied Naomi back to her car, continuedly thanking her for accepting his date proposal. Driving back home in the dark, Naomi became tense as drove closer and closer to her home. Pulling up to her driveway, everything seemed normal with the lights off in her house. Hesitantly she stepped out her car, knowing well that this town was the safest town. Glancing around she nothing out of ordinary as she approached her front door.

Unlocking the door, she froze, feeling a present behind her. Lifting her head high up, but not turning to see if there was someone, "what are you doing here?" She asked nervously.

There was someone behind her, stepping out of shadows, staring down at Naomi from her back. He had short sandy blonde hair and sky-blue eyes, wearing all black from his buttoned-up coat to his shoes. It was odd for this man wandering in the dark; he had an innocent and charming look on him. "We need to talk," he said.

"About what?"


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