Chapter Two

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Unlocking the door, she froze, feeling a present behind her. Lifting her head high up, but not turning to see if there was someone, "what are you doing here?" She asked nervously.

There was someone behind her, stepping out of shadows, staring down at Naomi from her back. He had short sandy blonde hair and sky-blue eyes, wearing all black from his buttoned-up coat to his shoes. It was odd for this man wandering in the dark; he had an innocent and charming look on him. "We need to talk," he said.

"About what?"

"Lucifer..." Naomi snapped her gaze over her shoulder, staring at late night visitor. "His back on earth, we don't know where he is, but we know that a Demon Witch was responsible for his return and maybe helping him hide from us."

She shook her head 'no,' "that can't be his still in hell and there was no way a simple witch can release him." She said nervously. She was about to turn her back to him and hurry in, but he rushed over, grabbed both her arms and pulled her close to his chest. Staring into each other's eyes, "Gabriel..." She whispered.

Gabriel, that was his name, an archangel of God. His brows furrowed in concern, "I never lie, Naomi. You need to believe me; Lucifer is back on earth and we both know his first mission would be to make those who betrayed him pay. A—"

"Don't call me by that name, I'm Naomi Hill." She cuts him off, turning her gaze away from him. "That name is nothing but my past and I want it to stay in the past."

Taking a deep breath, "Naomi..." He breathed, testing the name in his lips and she slowly lifted her head up, stared back into his sky-blue eyes. "You need to come with me, I need to protect you from Lucifer." His hand slid down her arms and gently grabbed her hands, then squeezed lightly. "Please, let me protect you."

Naomi saw that same plea in his eyes, just like the last time they were together, him begging and she uncertain about her life choice. Slowly, her hands slipped out from under his and she stepped back, "Gab..." She muttered. "I know you never lie but... How sure are you he is out from hell and would come after me? Has HE said something about this matter?" She asked.

He turned his gaze away from her and stepped back, "I know what I'm talking about and as much as HE has been silent, I know that we, his angels, must keep the order and stop Lucifer from finishing a war that he started." He looked up at her, "A... Naomi, please, you have done some mistakes, but you know HE has mercy and forgives. You can come back and get your wings back. Just come with me, please...." He stretched out a hand to her.

Past was the past, that was what Naomi believes and holds it close to her heart. She has a past, and she never wants to look back on it. That was why she moved to this small quiet town, where no one knows her. Looking down at the hand of that would bring back some of her past back, she was afraid of it. She grew up with Gabriel and she knows that he has nothing to give but his support and protection. Lifting her head and stared at him, then shook her head, "forgive me, Gab. But... I can't." She muttered.

"I knew you would say that you also wish the best. But you know I will never give up, especially for you," he sighed. "Remember, I will be there for you," he said as he faded into the night. Leaving Naomi alone and heartbroken.

Taking a deep, shaky breath, fighting her tears as she turned to the front and opened in. Once inside, she closed the door and locked it then leaned against it, taking in more shaky breaths with her eyes closed. Two years living in Lakefall, she lived a quiet normal life, knowing no one from her past would bother her. But her breath of fresh air was cut short, and she needs to decide and believe an old friend's words and run or continue living a normal life.

Pushing herself off the door, she dragged herself upstairs to her room. Kicking her heels out as she unzipped her pencil skirt while she approached her bed, letting it fell to the floor and she dropped herself on top of the bed with no care. Today was a handful, and she wanted to sleep Monday away to welcome the next. Her eyes lazily opened and closed, thinking about what Gab said to her and her eyes closed, and a single tear escaped, rolling out from her eye.

Children's cheerful screams and laughter echoed into a peaceful woodland as they played nearby the edge of this woodland with no care or worry. But in the woodland, hidden in a wide opening of an oak tree's bark, a little girl who was no less than seven-years, dressed in a pure white dress and golden blonde hair flowing down her shoulders. She hugged her legs close to her chest as she cried in the crook of her elbows, listening to the cheerful cheers of the children as they played among themselves.

"Why are you crying?" A boyish voice asked, as she sniffed and sighed as she lifted her head. Her watery greenish/grey eyes stared at this boy, who was a bit older than her by two years, shoulder length jet black hair tied in a low ponytail, and he wore the same pure white dress like her. "Why aren't you playing with the others?"

"They don't want to play with me because I'm little unlike them," she mumbled, using her sleeve to whip her tears, and she pouted when she heard the boy chuckle.

"There's no need to cry, take my hand and I'll play with you." He said, smiling widely, and stretched out a hand to the little girl. As she stared into his dark eyes, they slowly had a slight blood red colour in them, and she continues to stare at him. The warm sunny atmosphere turned sinister as it darkens. The woodland forest withered, and the leaves fell one by one as this girl wondered if she should take this boy's hand.

Hush winds picked up, blowing the dry leaves straight to this boy until they surrounded him, and the sky turned black. Finally, the wind passed, and the leaves swept away from the boy. However, standing before the little girl was not the boy but a handsome man with a devilish grin. He looked like the boy, but grown, "don't you want to have a smile as well?" He asked.

The girl looked at his stretched-out hand, hesitantly reached out and placed her small hand on his large hand. He grinned widely, wrapping his fingers around her hand as he helped her out of the bark, and as she stepped out from the bark, she grew into a beautiful woman. "Trust me," he whispered, pulling her close to him as she stared straight into his eyes.

A pair of great pure white wings appeared on both their backs as they stood face to face with each other, "I trust you..." The woman whispered, and the man's wings turned black like his hair.

Suddenly, the woman's wings shook as a feather after feather fell off and each had blood staining them. Whimpering escaped from the woman's rosy lips, but her face stayed the same innocent, curious face, staring at this man in front of her and tears rolled down her cheeks, but she ignored them like they were not falling. "My name is Lucifer. What is yours?"

A scream of pain escaped from her lips and Naomi's as she jerked awake, glancing around her room with pure horror written on her face as cold tears fell from her eyes. She glanced down at her bed and she saw bloodstains all over her bedcover, quickly unbuttoning her white shirt and slipped it off, then turned to look at the back of her white shirt was now red with blood.

This dream was a nightmare but also reminded her of the past, a past she wishes never existed. Closing her eyes and groaned in pain, the scars on her back maybe old but they ached and burned. It was a surprise she went by her days with a warm smile and help around, ignoring the pain in her back. That pain reminded her of her trust being ripped away from her by the one she once loved.

Opening her eyes, she reached out for the telephone on her nightstand and just pressed a speed dial, then placed it on her ear. Quiet rings on the phone, "hello?" Someone answered.

She sighed softly, glancing out the bedroom window. It was morning once again, and she had to go to work, "we need to talk. Lucifer is back on earth," she said.

Fallen: Angels & DemonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora