From His Eyes

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(Like only a really short chapter - 555 words)

I sat on a crate next to Armin and Mikasa. I look up and see Y/n coming my way. She crouched down and smiled at me. Her eyes seemed to have held joy

"Y/n?" I said looking at her

"Eren" She said back before smiling softly

"I'm happy you are okay" She said

I felt my heart race a bit but nodded

"Thanks" I responded and she stood up again and that's when I realised the cat with her

"How did the cat get here?"

"Oh? I cared Luné up here" She said picking the cat up from the wall

"Oh..." I just looked at the cat as it's white fur was a bit dirty

"I heard I'm a titan" She seemed shocked when I said that but who wouldn't but when she looked at me her face expression seemed as if she was guilty

"What's with the face?" She shook her head

"Don't worry about it..." Y/n grew silent and I felt bad, did I say something wrong?

"I heard I was put in this group where you transform" Y/n said and I nodded

"Yeah..." I look at Armin and he gave me a thumbs up. Mikasa just glared at Y/n, I wonder why

"Are we sure he can do it?" Y/n asked looking at the rock before looking back at Armin after he explained the plan

"Ha...I thought Mikasa was joking about you loosing hope in Eren" He said as a sweat drop formed on his temple

"Well, if Eren can't block the hole who do you think will and if we're using soldiers too then all their live will be gone to waste if this doesn't work. However, I haven't fully lost hope for him yet" Y/n said smiling a little while looking at me

"Mmm, come on now before we get left behind" Y/n said standing up

Once we reached everyone else Y/n stood next to Mikasa an Armin as I stood next to Pixis. Pixis explained the plan to the people below and most people were scared shitless. I look back at Y/n and she seemed to be spacing out 

When Pixis was done his speech I held Y/n's hands. Luné hissed at me from the ground but I still held her hands

"Are you okay?" I asked, Y/n only nodded

"Sorry...just a bit worried that's all..." She said look at me with her beautiful purple eye

"Your cute" It just came out of my mouth and I blush 

"I mean-" 

"Thank you, you look fine yourself" She said laughing a bit before smiling at me softly 

"Luné stop hissing at Eren" Y/n said patting her cat who only glared at me 

"Damn for a cat it sure knows how to death glare someone" I said making Y/n pick Luné up

"I hope she likes you soon" Y/n said before putting one hand on my shoulder

"Good luck with transforming it might be hard for your first few tries" I look at Y/n confused and her eyes went wide

"What do you mean by that Y/n" I asked and she just smiled sadly at me

"Eren...I don't wanna lie to you but-" 

"Lets go!" Someone had called for us interrupting Y/n

"Tell me later okay?" Y/n nodded sadly before swinging off with me to our positions. I went in front a bit and tried to transform

The only thing I know was that the frown on Y/n's face was about something serious and her cat hates me

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