Survey Corps Yay

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I was walking with Hange to Eren's cell with a man named Mike and he was so sweet. A kind man he was just he had a weird habit. When we got underground I saw Eren and smiled. Luné was being held by Hange so I go up to the cellar 

"Eren" I said and Eren sat up

"Y/n!" Eren's eyes brightened when he looked at me

"How are you?" I asked as the cellar was opened


"Fine as well" I said before walking in and just standing near him as some men un chained him only to put hand cuffs on him

"Wait, where are we taking him again?" I asked Hange and she smiled before pointing up

"Ohh...right" I said walking out of the cell, Eren being in front of me. I wouldn't be there at the trial thank goodness or I would explode 

When we walked up the stairs I parted from the group and waved at Eren

"Good luck" I said before walking away leaving Eren confused. Luné jumped out of Hange's hands and ran to me before jumping onto my back and falling into my hands

"Oh now you want to know me?" I asked her before patting her head and walking outside. Today was a nice calm day. I strolled around for a bit and came across a garden. I'm surprise they can even afford keeping the flowers looking alive while half of our population are dying 

"Look Luné, a woman is walking our way" I said standing up as a woman with blonde hair walked to me

"You are Cadet Y/n L/n, if I'm not mistaken"

"You are not, how can I help you?" I asked as Luné sat in my arms

"Well you are late to attend a trial for Eren Yeager. I believe no one had informed you"

"Your right no one did, maybe I was just forgotten. Lets go now" I said and the woman began to walk with me following close behind and soon she led me up to a platform where Hange and a few others stood

"Oh good you found her" Hange said in a whisper motioning me over to her. The woman from before nodded before walking out of site

"Sorry forgot to tell you to stay with me" I shook my head

"Don't worry-" I was cut off when all the commotion from below silenced after a bang was heard. I look down to see Eren's head facing the ground on his right and a leg in the air

"Oh don't worry, that's Levi. He has some serious anger issues"

"He and Eren" I said laughing a bit and Hange joined in

Soon the trial was over and I rushed down to Eren

"Eren! Sorry for being late! Are you...alright?" I asked as I walked next to Mike as he carried Eren on his shoulder. I got no response

"Don't worry...I protect you no matter the cost..." I said, as we entered a room Eren was placed on the couch. Eren was somehow awake the whole time and I sat next to him before being joined by Levi on my left

"Why are you here?" He asked annoyed and I smiled

"I'm just making sure Eren is aright..." I said before looking at Levi's knee which was covered in dry blood


"I know, disgusting isn't it?" Levi said

"Levi was it?"


"Y/n" I said with a smile

"Y/n dear" Hange called my name and I look at her, I wonder where Luné went

His People's EnemyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα