31- Double D

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Isabella's POV

At about 9pm some mafia's started going home and at 9:30pm The french Mafia left meaning Luna and Noah were now gone. Noah had kissed me goodbye and Luna had hugged me goodbye. The Italian mafia left at about 10pm. We were in the car and we were having many conversations, I was talking to Iza.

"Iza, Do you like Luna?" I asked him looking out the window.
"Of course I like her, I have liked her even before you attended our school. I was going to make a move but then you became best friends with her and I couldn't hurt you" He replies.
"She likes you a lot too, She isn't using you like Emilia wanted to use Victor, She is in love with you and I want you to know I will be happy for you guys" I say. I turn to him smile and rest my head on him. I close my eyes but don't go to sleep. I just listen to their group conversation.

"Alright guys, We have officially shared a birthday with Bella in many years. She is finally 17" I hear someone say.
"I know right, she tried to grab a drink at the ball, I got her to stop though"
"Do you think she is okay? Iza how is she?"
"I mean I think she is okay now, she doesn't really talk to me about her emotions. Sometimes I can feel it other times she blocks me out"
"I think she is okay, have only heard her laugh and seen her real smile like once and I have really missed it"

I zoned out and focused on the noise of the limo driving. Eventually I felt the car park and I opened my eyes slowly acting as if I was asleep. They made a few comments but it was nice. We all went inside and ate some chips while talking. I took my meds and said goodnight to everyone. I went upstairs and into my room. Ace still hadn't moved which worried me, I went over to her and patted her. She was freezing, I held my hand on her chest and it wasn't moving. I started panicking.

"GUYYYSSS!" I screamed. I picked Ace up and backed up. I sat against the wall beside my door. I put Ace on the floor in front of me then put my head in my hands and started crying. A few seconds later the door burst open revealing all my brothers. Iza was by my side in a heart beat and Victor also tried to calm me down. Marketti picked up Ace and Levi followed as Marketti walked out. I got so mad at that second. I got up quickly.

"GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!" I screamed feeling a panic attack coming. They quickly left apart from Iza. He shut the door and came over to me, he pulled me close and I felt my knees weaken beneath me. I fell with him to the floor. I couldn't take it much more I was balling my eyes out still in my dress. I got up, wiped my face, told Iza to get out and went into my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, tears running down my face, puffy cheeks and makeup smudged. I felt my breath quicken and I felt the dress was compressing my body tighter. I fought against the dress until I eventually got it off. I went to my walk in closest and pulled out a fighting outfit. I fixed my face, looked at myself in the mirror and put an emotionless look on. I was fat, ugly, worthless, useless, a waste of space, a slut and a nobody. I smashed the mirror, locked my door and went over to my window. I grabbed my phone, helmet and Motorbike keys before climbing out and onto the tree. I slid down and looked around, Marketti's car was gone. I went over to my bike, put my helmet on and left.

I was zooming down the roads and passing cars as if they were ants. I sped all the way to the underground fighting arena. I got off my bike and rushed in. I spoke to my manager and had 11 fights, 8 just fists and 3 with weapons, I also had 6 races, 3 motorbike and 3 car. I stretched and put my mask on just as my name was being called. I walked in and in the ring was Luna. I kept my emotionless look while she gave me a quick wave. The bell went and she ran at me. I grabbed her wrist, twisted it and threw her over my shoulder. She tried to get back up but I sat on top of her.

The next few fist fights were easy. It was probably because of the state I was in but I was punching and getting everyone pinned to the floor in seconds. When it came to the first weapon fight it was Luna again. I had a Blade and she had a steak knife. I looked at her the same way as before and the bell went starting the fight. She ran at me again and slashed her knife around. She managed to give me a cut on the shoulder which I ignored. I ran at her and pinned her to the corner as I made a shallow and small cut to her cheek. I threw her to the floor and pinned her. The 2 weapon fights were the same. After that I went to the changing room and bought some clothes off of one of the small stalls. Luna walked in and walked over to me.

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