32- I can't

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Isabella's POV

I got out of bed at about 1pm deciding to get rid of all Ace's stuff. I grabbed an old bag out of my closest and started putting her toys in. I felt a warm tear slide down my face but I quickly wiped it away. I finished putting her toys and blankets into the bag. I picked up her mattress and went downstairs. I walked straight to the front door and walked over to the bin. I threw them in then went back inside. I hadn't taken my meds last night or this morning an I was feeling very faint and dizzy. I started heading for the kitchen when I fell down. Levi rushed to me from the lounge room.

"What happened Bella?" He asked me. I shrugged.
"Just exhausted, can you help me up?" I asked him hoping he wouldn't push but luck wasn't on my side at the moment.
"Why are you so exhausted?" He pushed further.
"Don't worry about it" I said with a monotone voice. I put an emotionless look on and used the wall for support to get up. I got up, looked over at Levi and he looked like he was trying to read me. I walked away rolling my eyes. I went into the kitchen and grabbed my meds. I put them in my mouth then downed some water. I wasn't hungry. Plus why would someone so fat and ugly like me deserve food. I grabbed a bottle of water, a packet of gum and my phone of the bench and went back to my room. I closed my door and sat on my bed.

I looked around debating what to do then I saw something shiny under my bedside table. I grabbed it and it was Ace's collar. I started crying, it was my fault she is gone. I should have known after seeing her asleep all the time and he being so tired. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the only mirror that wasn't broken. I had red, puffy cheeks and looking dead to be honest. I decided on going out tonight hopefully that would make me feel a little better. I went ot my closest and did a basic makeup look. It was eye liner, mascara, some concealer to make me look alive and some eye shadow. I picked out a short black dress then looked at the time. It was 4pm. Great. I grabbed my bike keys and went downstairs. I had a leather jacket over my as well. I went into the kitchen and made some Lasange for the others. It made me feel sick making it but I hoped they would enjoy it.

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a quick note.
'Hey everyone, I am going to be out for while. I am going to a party then going for a lovely night walk, see you at like 1am.'
I put the food next to the note, grabbed my phone, wallet, keys and helmet and was about to leave when Marketti stopped me.
"Bella, Where are you going?" He said rubbing his forehead.
"Out, Don't rub your head like that it makes you look like an old fragile man" I say whilst going under his arm and out the front door. I heard him calling for me but I just flipped him off and got on my Bike. I put my helmet on and sped away. I had my phone on loud and it was ringing concstantly and notifications were popping up every second. I turned it on silent and enjoyed the 2 an a half hour ride. It was now 6:45pm because I had stopped, Put fuel in my bike and bought a energy drink. I had arrived at the large club with a boxing ring and a huge variety of alcohol. I parked my bike and went inside. Wow, the reviews were correct this place is stunning and looks like a great place to party.

I went over to the bar and pulled out my fake ID I may or may not have prepared. I had to kill 3 guys for this ID, I swear to god if it didn't work this whole club will be taken down in flames. I ordered an entire bottle of straight vodka and the ID worked. I took the bottle and sat at a table near the ring. I drank the whole bottle in under a minute and was about to get another one when the ring opened up for volunteers. I wasn't drunk yet so I thought why not give it a go. I was still in a dress which made it harder but I did end up winning 4 fights.

I did finish with a black eye, a busted lip and my knee was in intense pain. I exited the ring and ordered another drink. This time around I ordered 3 bottles of beer. I was drunker then a horses ass. I was yelling around and dancing then I started punching someone and It didn't end well, I was on the floor with blood dripping from my chin thanks to the cut on my lip. I was stumbling out of the club and heading for my Bike when a black van stopped next to me.

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