Intermission 2 - Character info and Trivia

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WHITE GLINT: The title given to a pilot who has quickly gained fame for his high mission success rate and combat skills. The title first appeared in the Economic War decades ago. The first White Glint was a man known as "Joshua O'Bryan", his armored core was fast, agile and neither AC or Arms Forts stood a chance against it. Joshua would later meet his demise in his colony, Anatolia, killed by the hands of his best friend and rival, a mercenary with no name who would later honor his death by becoming the second White Glint, that mercenary was feared for decades, managing to take down entire fortresses and armies with one single unit, however, everything must unfortunately come to an end. The mercenary sunk in the bottom of the ocean along with the second White Glint in a battle that would decide the fate of earth during the Martian-Earth conflict. The White Glint is now a symbol, a symbol of hope for those that it protects, and a symbol of fear for those that oppose it. Many have tried to become White Glints, some were successful, others didn't understand what the title really meant and what it really stood for, using it only for their own gain. The process to become a White Glint is very simple:
1 - Mission Success Rate in the hundreds
2- Apply for the White Glint program created by the Jarnefeldt company, HQ located in Kyoto
3- Rank A-9 in the arena
4- Get approval from the Jarnefeldt Company
5- excellent battlefield experience
6- High compatibility rate with a Next's AMS system
- At least one Arms Fort destroyed
- Loyalty to the Jarnefedlt company and it's clients
The title comes with it's risks and the identity of pilots who have this title must stay hidden.

As humanity continued to deplete Earth's natural resources in the end of the 35 century, attention turned to the potential of Mars and it's colonies. The Red Planet harbored vast reserves of valuable minerals, such as rare metals and energy resources. Earth's superpowers, including the United States, China, and strangely the European Union, aggressively sought to secure any Martian territory for resource extraction. This led to territorial disputes and escalating tensions between nations and corporations in Earth and in Mars. The Martians (Name given to those born on Mars) began development on their own Armored Cores, the second generation of ACs, These Gen 2 ACs were equipped with cutting-edge weaponry, powerful propulsion systems, and advanced AI to operate in the harsh conditions of space and on Martian terrain, they knew that a war was on the horizon when a colossal Orbital Assault Cannon (OAC), an advanced space-based weapon built around the first Martian Satellite "Minerva", it's main firing cannon resembled the head of a dragon was aimed directly at earth. The machine was positioned in Mars' orbit by a consortium of powerful multinational corporations from it. Intending to secure Martian resources for their own gain, they used the OAC to assert dominance over the red planet, but in tragic turn of events, the OAC had a malfunction in it's firing system, leading to catastrophic blast that wiped out the entirety of the United States, marking the start of this conflict that would last for thirteen years, Earth troops raided Mars, destroying entire colonies and making prisoners. Mars did the same with earth. In it's final year, the Martians would launch an all-out attack on earth and the battlefront shifted to Europe, which became the epicenter of the conflict's final hours. European nations, devastated by the use of the OAC and eager to secure Martian resources for their own recovery, engaged in brutal warfare. The entire continent was left in ruins, and millions of live were lost. Earth was fighting a losing battle and recognizing the catastrophic consequences of the conflict, and with the threat of another OAC strike looming, the remaining superpowers and corporations convened for peace negotiations. They signed the OAC Treaty, which imposed strict regulations on their activities in Martian politics and resource extraction. The treaty prohibited corporations from interfering in Martian governance and exploiting Martian resources for Earth's military purposes, The OAC remained as a haunting reminder of the catastrophic potential of advanced military weapons, keeping the superpowers and corporations in check.
LOUIE MORETTI: Born on Mars, parents originally from earth, Louie and his sister went on a trip to see their parent's hometown, Paris, on earth. They had four peaceful years in there but the final stage of the war had arrived. Louie and his sister were running back to their parent's apartment after an explosion ocurred on the center of the city, what they saw had scarred them. Their parents fell victims to a brutal genocide carried out by Earth soldiers, they ran away as fast as they could and fueled by grief and a desire for justice, Louie pledged to become a pilot and earn enough money to escape what he deemed "Hellhole". This oath became the driving force behind his intense training. During an exercise, Louie decided to get inside a Test Next and was surprised to see that he had a high compatibility rate with the AMS system, discovering that he himself was a Lynx. He became known for his exceptional combat skills and piloting prowess with his Next "Ninebreaker", catching the attention of the Jarnefeldt company, he applied for the White Glint Program, and the Jarnefeldt company awarded him with the title and the Next they called "White Glint MK. IV" a modified Next with exceptional performance based on the second White Glint, with red stripes in some areas. Despite his success, Louie remained fiercely protective of his sister. He understood that the dangers and enemies he faced as White Glint could put her at risk. To keep her safe, he made the difficult decision to separate from her. His story would come to an end in the Harcourt Port, mysteriously becoming Missing In Action after a successful operation with the help of famous resistance leader Jackal. The Jarnefeldt Company has still not revealed what has happened to the 8th White Glint after five years of complete silence.

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