Chapter 23: 0 to a conspiracy

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Villager Chu Ping thought for a while and said, "Since Chu Qingzhi came back, the drought in the village seems to be getting worse."

  Chu Rong retorted, "Chu Ping, don't talk nonsense, how can the drought be blamed on someone? What's more, before Qingzhi came back, it hadn't rained for a long time, so it's her fault too?"

  Chu Ping was not afraid of Chu Rong, and said forcefully, "Maybe it was a foreshadowing before."

  Chu Rong gritted his teeth, "Nonsense!"

Zhao Xiuhua can't wait to pour all the dirty water on Chu Qingzhi, "It's Chu Qingzhi who caused everyone to be like this. Since she came back, the village has become uneasy. It's her fault. She shouldn't have returned to the village. Abandoned bitch, what do you do when you pick it up?!"

   Tang Jinghong glanced at Zhao Xiuhua sharply, and defended, "Is this too serious? On the contrary, I think that the root cause of the drought is someone who has done bad conscience in the village recently."

  Zhao Xiuhua suddenly felt guilty, and said sternly, "Tang Jinghong, shut up, you disrespect your stepmother and you are extremely lazy, what right do you have to speak?"

   Tang Jinghong's face darkened, "When did I disrespect my stepmother? When did I become lazy?"

  The villagers cast disapproving glances at Zhao Xiuhua. They all saw Tang Jinghong working under the scorching sun. How could he be lazy?

   As for disrespecting her stepmother, it is even more nonsense. Zhang Xiuqin, who doesn't know her character, is a molder!

  Chu Qingzhi said coldly, "Old godmother, pay attention to the truth when speaking, don't talk nonsense if you don't have it."

  Zhao Xiuhua hated Chu Qingzhi to death in her heart, "Chu Qingzhi, you are sharp-tongued, otherwise why would you push my son and daughter-in-law to divorce?"

  Chu Qingzhi was disgusted, "You beat Haiyan like an animal, did you ever think of her as your daughter-in-law?"

  Zhao Xiuhua's eyes dodged, even though she was guilty, she didn't think she should be blamed for this.

  She beat Fu Haiyan before, but Fu Haiyan never resisted. It was because of Chu Qingzhi's support that Fu Haiyan dared to resist and reconcile. After all, it was Chu Qingzhi's fault!

   "If it wasn't for you, Haiyan wouldn't have left. It was all because of you. You broke up our family. You are restless and kind, and you have a heart of snakes and scorpions."

  Chu Qingzhi couldn't help but want to roll her eyes, it was the first time she saw such an unreasonable person, she really learned a lot.

   "As long as you deal with Haiyan better, she won't want to leave your house. What has happened to this point, you have no regrets."

  Zhao Xiuhua said confidently, "Why should I repent, it's obviously your fault!"

  Chu Qingzhi, "..."

   When a scholar meets a soldier, there is no reason to explain it, it's so simple!

  Seeing that the topic had drifted away, Chu Ping hurriedly brought it back, "Now we're talking about the drought, let's put aside the personal grievances between your two families for now."

  The village chief shouted loudly at this time, he could see who was a shit-stirring stick, "What I want to say is that these ominous things are nonsense, everyone should not listen to one side..."

  Chu Qi suddenly stood up and said, "The problem of drought, the public is right and the woman is right. No one can tell whose fault it is, but I think there is a way to solve this problem."

  Chu Tai felt a thump in his heart, feeling faintly uneasy.

  The village head looked at Chu Qi with a serious expression, and the aura of a village head was determined, "Say, what can I do?"

  Chu Qi had a good plan, "Let Chu Qingzhi's family tell everyone how to make ice, as long as they make money, the drought will be solved easily?"

   Then, he said to Chu Qingzhi solemnly, "Qingzhi, as long as you tell us how to make ice, our whole village will regard you as a great benefactor, how about it?"

  Chu Qingzhi was surprised, she looked back at the Chu family, who told the story?

  Chu Tai met Chu Qingzhi's gaze, and lowered his head guiltily. He never thought that Chu Qi would actually talk about doing ice at this time in order to achieve his goal!

   "It turns out that the Chu family made ice secretly at home."

   "Ice is something that only princes and ministers can enjoy in this summer, and it is expensive."

   "If you master the method of making ice, it's not a hair."

  There was a lot of discussion in the village, and the more they talked, the more excited they became, wishing to make countless ice immediately to make a fortune, and each of them became a millionaire.

  While speaking, her eyes focused on Chu Qingzhi, as if she was a gold ingot.

  Chu Qingzhi had a cold face, and taunted back, "Take out your family's money and share it with everyone, and the village will treat you as a benefactor, how about it?"

  Chu Qi's face froze, how could he take out his own money? !

  Chu Qi threatened, "Chu Qingzhi, if you don't tell us all how to make ice, we will tell your adoptive parents that you stole the recipe for making ice, and then we will arrest you and go to jail."

  Chu Qingzhi was completely confused, and who said that she learned the method of making ice cream from her adoptive parents?

  Chu Tai hurriedly said, "Qing Zhi, he made a wild guess."

  Chu Qingzhi was speechless, "You are old, are you stupid? If your adoptive parents know how to make ice, why doesn't he sell it?"

  After hearing this, Chu Qi felt that what Chu Qingzhi said was quite right, and he hadn't seen anyone selling ice in the county town!

  But he won't admit it, he just thinks that Chu Qingzhi is trying to quibble, "Maybe they sold it in the city, but the county town doesn't sell it."

  Chu Qingzhi thought to herself, now that the matter of making ice has been leaked, it is impossible to cover it up.

  Chu Qingzhi looked around everyone, "You all want to make ice recipes?"

  Everyone nodded in unison.

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