Chapter 72: 072. Make it clear

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Back home, Chu Qingzhi asked Chu Qingshuang to wash the zong leaves, and she took Chu Qingning to deal with the mung beans and red dates that made the zongzi with her.

  Mung beans are soaked in water, and red dates are pitted.

  Chu Qingzhi poured all the red dates into the sieve and put them on the table, "Qing Ning, go and get some chopsticks."

  Chu Qingning nodded, and left in confusion.

  Bringing the chopsticks back, Chu Qingning handed them to Chu Qingzhi, "Fifth Sister, what are you doing with the chopsticks?"

   "You'll know right away." Chu Qingzhi took a chopstick, pointed at one end of the red date and pierced it through the middle, and the date pit fell out easily.

  Chu Qingning looked surprised, "Fifth sister, you are so smart."

   This is just a small life skill. Chu Qingzhi gave Chu Qingning a chopstick, "Fourth Sister, try it."

  Chu Qingning gladly tried it, and then it was easy to remove the nucleus, "Fifth sister, your method is very good."

  A villager who was off work came to the main room and saw the two sisters standing at the table to remove the date stones.

   "We always use scissors to remove the date pits. I didn't expect there to be such an easy way."

   "Yes, this method is good, I learned it."

"I'll try."

   As he spoke, he picked up the extra chopsticks next to him and tried it out, and more and more villagers tried it. Twenty catties of red dates were all pitted in this way.

  The villagers left again when they saw that they had nothing to do.

  Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning looked at each other and couldn't help but smile. The villagers are too hardworking.

  At this time, Li Qingyu's voice came, "Everyone stop busy, come here and help serve the dishes, ready to eat."

   Both Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao ​​came home from school, and they were doing their homework in their room. Today's homework was to copy the "Three Character Classic" twice. When they heard the sound, they all ran to the kitchen.

  Chu Qingzhi and Chu Qingning also quickly cleared the table and set out the dishes for dinner.

  Today's dishes include stewed chicken with mushrooms, braised pork ribs, twice-cooked pork, and cabbage soup. The aroma of the food soon permeated the entire hall.

Both Li Qingyu and Grandma Chu love their family members. Considering the tiredness of work and the hard work of the children, they don't feel sorry for them. The food is very good. In the past, the current food is like a dream Same, eat better than Chinese New Year.

  Several small bowls of rice were served to the elders and brothers and sisters. They were sensible and well-behaved. This was Chu Qingzhi's favorite point.

  If the family is full of brats, she will definitely be irritable and even beat the children.

  Everyone sat down and ate deliciously.

  In ancient times, food without words was used very well, even for ordinary farmers, unless it was very necessary, they would not talk about it at the dinner table.


  After eating, Chu Qingzhi started talking about business.

   "Mom, we need to make zongzi tomorrow morning, but we don't have enough manpower. Why don't you find ten aunts to help?"

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