Chapter 42

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All the people and guards present there got a little shocked seeing Yoongi talking so softly to someone. Just then Namjoon went near him and pat his hand on his shoulder and spoke, "Tae will be fine." Yoongi just nodded. Namjoon spoke again, "I know its not a good time to ask but Sohee? She is there with them?"

"Yes, I will tell you guys everything later", said Yoongi. Namjoon just hummed and nodded his head.

Its now already been one hour since the hospital staff left for the record room. Now, Yoongi is loosing his patience. He contactes Hobi and asked, "Hoseok, what is happening? Where are the records?"

"Boss, there are so many files here. All the hosptial staff along with our men are searching for it. We will get it soon", said Hobi. Yoongi got frustated and shot two bullets at the floor aiming at nowhere. The people and the hospital staff got scared and panicked again. He closed his eyes to calm himself down. He then silently sat down on the floor keeping his eyes closed and rubbing his forehead with the tip of his gun.

Namjoon went near him and crouched down to his level and offered him a glass of water. He spoke, "Have this. Calm down." Yoongi took the glass of water and drank it in one go and spoke, "Put the whole hospital staff to search for the records and call our more men."

Namjoon nodded and got up from the floor and ordered, "Guards, get all the hospital staff here and put them on work. Fast." The guards immediately dismissed and went. They gathered all the hospital staff and ordered them to search for the records. Yoongi was still sitting on the floor. All the hospital staff started to search for the records not just in the record room but everywhere. The hospital was now looking like a paper factory. Papers and papers everywhere. Files and files everywhere. Every single drawer, every single cabin and each and every document and file was getting checked.

After some more time, Hobi came towards Yoongi running. He crouched down to his level and spoke, "I f-found the records. Its Tae's file. Here it is." Yoongi immediately took the file from Hobi and spoke, "Lets go now."

He got up and left the hospital. Hobi, Namjoon and all the other guards also left from there. The hospital's condition was totally changed. It was no longer Seoul's best hospital but a paper dump.

At the hospital

Yoongi soon reached the hospital and he directly went to the doctors cabin. He gave the file to the doctor and spoke, "I found the medical file of my brother. Check it fast." The doctor nodded and took the file and started studying it. Hobi and Namjoon also entered the doctors cabin.

He said after few minutes, "He have wheat allergy. He must have consumed something in which there was wheat. This allergy causes breathing problem but in some cases, it has severe effects. The patient can die also. In your brother's case, it has very severe effects."

Yoongi listened to the doctor carefully and spoke, "Wheat allergy? What is the treatment of that?" Then the doctor spoke, "We need to infuse the allergy antidote drug into his body at the earliest. That drug is not available here. I know one of my friends who is also a doctor and he has these kinds of drugs in his hospital. I will arrange the drug from him. I will not let anything happen to my patient."

Yoongi thanked the doctor and doctor talked on his phone and arranged the drug. Then the doctor said, "The drug will be delivered here in next half an hour and we will give him drug through IV. It will take around 18 hours to infuse the entire drug into his body. And he will get his conscious back in around 4 to 5 hours only after we will start to infuse the drug. Then he can eat something light. He will be fine very soon." Yoongi felt a little relieved. He left the doctors cabin.

As soon as he left, he sat on the chair outside the doctors cabin and few tears dropped from his eyes. He started crying silently and tears started flowing from his eyes non-stop. Hobi went towards him and sat besides him. He caressed his back and spoke, "Yoongi-ah! You heard the doctor right. He will be fine. Why are you crying now? Stop crying."

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