Chapter 47

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Time skips, around 6 pm

Tae got discharged from the hospital and he came back to the Kim mansion along with Jin and Yoongi. Hobi already left for the office and Sohee also went back to her place.

The three of them reached the living room and Yoongi said, "Tae go to your room and take rest." Tae said, "Hyung, I am fine now. I don't need rest. I want to watch something or I can play some games also." "Okay do whatever you want", said Yoongi. Tae smiled and sat on the couch and switched on the television and started watching some drama.

Just then Jin said to Yoongi, "I am going now. Take care." Jin left and Yoongi also went to his room. After few minutes Jungkook came and entered the living room and saw Tae sitting there. He immediately ran towards Tae and hugged him and spoke, "Hyung, you came back. You are fine now right?"

Tae pulled himself away from Jungkook a little and said, "Yes, I am fine. Leave me now." "Hyung you know what, tomorrow is my basketball trials. You have to come and cheer me", said Jungkook.

Tae said, "Good luck for that and I need to catch up with my work tomorrow. I will be busy. I can't come." Tae's concentration was on the TV. Jungkook spoke in a low voice while being sad, "Why hyung? Please come tomorrow. Our team captain will be announced after the trials."

"What I have to do with your team captain? I already told you, I am busy tomorrow. Don't bother me now", said Tae. Jungkook's eyes become teary and he spoke in a low voice, "Sorry hyung to bother you. I will not b-bother you again." Jungkook got up and went to his room feeling sad and lonely.

Time skips, at the dinner table, around 9 pm

Jungkook come down to have his dinner. He saw Tae and Yoongi already sitting there. He went and sit quietly and started eating. Yoongi was having his dinner and was checking something on his tab. Tae was also doing something on his phone. Jungkook just sighed and continued eating and thought, "Looks like I am the only one who have no work to do. They both are busy. I am just useless. Bothering them always. I will try not to bother them from now on. No no not try, I will not bother them at all. I will find something to do and if not, then I will try to spend my most of the day out of the house. Its all fine, they are busy not free like me."

Jungkook convinced himself not to bother his hyungs from now on. After few more minutes of silence, Yoongi spoke gaining their attention, "So Tae, are you going to university tomorrow?" "Yes hyung. I will go and then later I need to go to the Company also. I have so much of pending work now", said Tae. Yoongi hummed and said, "Okay, don't overwork yourself and take care of yourself always, okay." Tae nodded.

Then Yoongi asked to Jungkook, "Kook, I hope you are attending your classes along with your basketball practice." Jungkook nodded and replied in a low voice, "Yes hyung. I am doing it. Don't worry you will not get any complaints from my college about me. Nothing will bother you." Yoongi said, "Hmm, okay. Its good that you are doing well." Then they all started eating again.

Jungkook in his mind, "Should I ask Yoongi hyung to come tomorrow? He will be proud if I will be announced as a captain tomorrow. I will ask him. If he agrees, then its good. Otherwise, its fine. Obviously his work is more important." Then Jungkook spoke, "Hyung! Actually I-----"

Jungkook was cut-off by Yoongi's phone. It ringed. Yoongi looked at the caller id and picked up the call and talked, "Yes Hobi. Yes I am aware of that. We will sort it out tomorrow. You know I was busy with hospital and stuff since yesterday so I couldn't pay attention to that. We will do it tomorrow." Yoongi put down his phone and asked, "Yes Kook,what were you saying?"

"N-nothing hyung, nothing important. I was just telling that the cafe I went today was so good. Its food was amazing", said Jungkook. Yoongi spoke, "You want to go there with us?" "N-no hyung, I was just telling you", said Jungkook. Yoongi just hummed.

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