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Andromeda Potter was finishing her schoolwork at the Ravenclaw table with her sister Rhea Jackson, who she invited over to sit with. Rhea was chatting with Luna Lovegood, while Blaise Zabini was teasing Theodore Nott, who were also invited over to sit with Andromeda. Overall they were having a relatively peaceful day at school - well, as peaceful as it can get at Hogwarts.

Hogwarts' Golden girl, Andromeda was unexpectedly sorted into Ravenclaw in her first year, which was quite the surprise to everyone, who expected her to be sorted into the same house her parents were in - Gryffindor. Rhea, however, was sorted into Slytherin, which earned her some rude looks and remarks from the other houses. However, it quickly ended after a glare from Andromeda. Although majority of the magical world, with the exception of their friends, were unaware that Rhea and Andromeda were sisters, Andy would not accept anyone being disrespectful towards Rhea, and Rhea would do the same for Andy.

All of a sudden, a bright flash of light appeared in the room. Standing in the middle were 18 beings who seemed otherworldly. Rhea and Andromeda had recognized them (unfortunately), along with a handful of teenagers, the ministry of magic, and many of the noble families of the wizarding world. Interestingly, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black in dog form were there as well.

The two witches had gotten up to make their way towards the large group, and a tall man with shoulder-length dark hair and blazing sea-green eyes, similar to Rhea's, made his way up towards them. He exuded power and confidence, with an aura that screamed of danger. He looked around the room with narrowed eyes, and the wizards and witches flinched in fear. His eyes glowed with love and pride when he saw his two favorite children. They ran up to him, jumping into his arms in joy. The man chuckled and hugged them back before he put them down, face turning into one of seriousness.

"My Rhea, Andromeda, why have we been brought here?" The green-eyed man questioned the two sorceresses.

The two girls looked at each other in confusion. "We were just about to ask you the same." Rhea responded, attention solely on the green-eyed man, whom the other wizards were too scared to approach.

A young woman with eyes like fire and bright red hair, a shade lighter than Andromeda's, walked forward until she was right in front of the two witches. "You don't know either?" She asked in concern. She radiated warmth and smelt of cookies that made everyone around her smile.

"What is the meaning of this!?" one of the unearthly beings thundered.  Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster, felt suspicion rise at the sight of the new guests. "I would like to know the same." He responded.

The overdramatic man from before looked around the room until his eyes zeroed in on Rhea and Andromeda, both of which merely rolled their eyes at him. He was ready to accuse them of causing trouble until he was interrupted by another flash of light.

A letter appeared out of nowhere, and the red-headed goddess grabbed and it read it out loud for everyone.

"To the Wizarding World and the Greek Pantheon, 

You have been brought here today to view the lives of Rhea Amara Jackson and Andromeda Khaleesi Potter (yes the full government names were needed). For the time being, some select people are unable to use their powers to avoid harming the mortals.

Too many of you gods have grown callous and cruel towards the demigods who constantly save your seats of power. And too many adults of the wizarding world are quick to blame children and use them as scapegoats. You bring shame to our pantheon and to humanity. As a result you will be watching the lives of Poseidon's daughters, who have experienced both mistreatment. If even after watching their lives you do not see your flaws and choose to not change your ways, then we will have no choice but to unseat you from your power and bring upon the Golden Age. An age that you will have no part of.

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