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Warnings: violence

"Where on earth did you get your temper from?" Hermione asked exasperated. She knew the raven haired witch is easily angered, which often resulted in her getting into a ridiculous amount of trouble.

"From him," Rhea tattled, not hesitating to throw her father under the bus, which led to Amphitrite and Triton snickering as Poseidon nonchalantly sipped his tea he got out of nowhere, ignoring the amused looks he was receiving.

"At least she's not as much of a menace as Poseidon is." Hades chuckled. Poseidon contemplated on throwing his cup of tea at his elder brother's face, but decided against it.

Before the movie could resume, a flash of light appeared in the hall. After the light died down, standing in the middle was a tall beautiful woman who appeared to be confused about where she was and what was going on. Oddly enough, she was covered in flour.

"Mama?" Rhea and Andy asked simultaneously and the confused frown on the brunette woman's face turned into a beaming smile.

"My sweethearts!" She exclaimed as her daughters ran and jumped into her arms, similar to how they reacted to seeing their father.

"What's going on? One minute I was in the bakery making croissants, and the next minute I'm standing here?" The woman questioned. Her eyes caught the rulers of the seas and she flushed as she smiled at them.

"Sally," Poseidon got up making his forward to hug Sally until Amphitrite shoved him out of the way so that she could hug her first. Poseidon rolled his eyes as he pulled his wife off the mortal woman so that he could hug and kiss her cheek as well. With a snap of Hecate's fingers, the flour from Sally's clothes and her apron disappeared.

"Long story short, the Fates didn't like how these idiots are behaving so they want everyone to watch our lives." Rhea summed up after Andy gave a brief explanation of the Fates' note and what they watched so far, purposely excluding the violent parts.

"I hope neither of you caused too much trouble then." Sally gave them a stern look, making her two daughters look away bashfully. She didn't like the idea of her daughters' privacy being invaded but there was nothing that could be done as she went to sit next to her daughters and lovers.

Mama? So this must be the woman who raised Andromeda her whole life instead of Petunia Dursley, the wizards and witches silently thought.

"Excuse me, Miss? May I ask how you came to be Andromeda Potter's guardian?" Dumbledore asked the woman. His plans to use Andromeda as a sacrificial lamb to save himself and Hogwarts was going down the drain, and he was NOT happy about it!

"No, you may not." Sally narrowed her eyes, recognizing the man as the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.

"Maybe it'll be answered in the movies." McGonagall sighed, already sensing Dumbledore's discomfort.

Word about Rhea's burst of anger had spread around the camp immediately. Some of the campers threw worried and fearful glances at the sisters, mostly fear towards Rhea sadistic tendencies.

Katie and Annabeth had continued showing them other parts of the camp such as the metal shop and the climbing wall which actually sprayed lava.

"Is that even legal?" Remus whimpered at the idea of Rhea and Andy having to climb the wall.

"No, but neither am I." Thalia stated bluntly, and the remaining demigods of the big three started giggling childishly. The rest of the wizards looked at her confused. Hera threw a glare in distaste at her step daughter and nieces and nephew for being born despite the big three oath. 

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