Chapter 2: Mistakes

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Chris' POV

Fuck! Shit! Fuck!

She's my mate. What have I done? She hates me. I have been the biggest asshole on the planet to her since we were kids. And she's my mate. Fuck!

My mind has pretty much refused to turn off panic mode since I found out Alison is my mate yesterday. I have no idea how I am going to fix this, or if I even can fix it. Fuck!

'Really? You bumped the fucking ladder? What's the matter with you?' Cameron's voice floods my mind with a link.

'She told you about that? Tell her I'm so sorry! She can hit me if it'll make her feel better!' I frantically reply.

'No, she didn't want to tell me it was you. She said the big bump on her head was from slipping off a ladder. Then she admitted it wasn't an accident when I asked further. Then I assumed it was you. She's still protecting you even after you were an ass. You don't deserve her.' He snaps back at me.

'Wait, there's still a bump? She should've healed by now.' My concern for my mate immediately grows tenfold.

'She doesn't eat or rest enough for her enhanced healing to work, dumbass.' He quickly informs me as if I should have already known this.

How was I supposed to know? I figured she'd be healed in an hour at most.

'Maybe if you'd ever actually paid attention to mate then you'd have realized how skinny and tired she looks.' Max, my wolf, mutters angrily under his breath. 'At least that's why her wolf isn't talking to me and not your stupid ass.'

'I told you I'm sorry already. I'll fix it.' I tell him before shutting him out.

I have no clue how I'm going to fix it. I've been an asshole to her since we were 12 years old and she started work in the pack house. I had liked her before, she was kind and pretty, but then we started to grow up and pack ranks started to actually matter.

She was an omega and I'm an alpha, it was my job to make sure she did her job. We couldn't be more than friends and I wasn't interested in being her friend. But I was drawn to her and now, I know why. I thought I had a crush that I could stomp out by convincing myself to hate her, but she's actually my mate.

Of course I had felt bad when her parents died and she had to start working to support herself but, it's just the way things work in a pack. If your parents die then you are supported by other family members and if you don't have any then you are supported by the pack until you turn 12 and gain your wolf. Alison was already of age when her parents died. She had her wolf and therefore she had everything she needed to support herself. It's just the pack way.

I wasn't in control of the pack but, I was in control of myself. I could have been nicer to her.

Cameron's voice suddenly fills my head again, 'I convinced her to come with me to the pack house today instead of school. We'll be there in a few minutes. Don't be an ass.'

I jump out of bed and quickly get dressed before running down the stairs of the pack house. The first floor is empty by the time I get down there. Everyone else either already left for school or work.

Anxiety sits in my stomach like a rock. I wait as patiently as I can with Max pacing in my mind. We both just want to see her walk through the front door.

A few minutes of angrily staring at the door later and it finally opens. Cameron comes in first with Alison tucked behind him. She looks around nervously before her eyes land on me. I don't miss the way she immediately grabs Cam's hand.

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