Chapter 19: Vampires

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Alison's POV

After having played hooky from school on Monday, we go back to our routine for the next two days. That is, with the addition of Dr. Braylie sitting in on my magic practice. She likes taking notes on whatever she can. Mostly it's how fast I'm improving.

"That was incredible," she gasps, stepping up over my shoulder. The fire blazing a few feet in front of me was once a big stack of wood with scrap metal thrown in.

As the fire burns out and leaves the metal, I squint my eyes at it. The embers glow darker, melting everything down to a puddle of molten metal and ash. "I prefer my earth magic," I tell her, using the term we adopted for when I grow things. Both the twins and Amelia were fairly insistent upon it.

Amelia sidesteps the hot puddle on her way to the cabinet. "Of course, it would be more favorable if we found a magically efficient way to clean up the mess." she says suggestively.

I roll my eyes exaggeratedly. "Well, I'm sorry. I know you were hoping I could vanish things. Maybe eventually I will." My voice is sarcastically irritated as I speak. She sighs dramatically as she sets a pot of moist dirt on the floor in front of the hardening metal puddle and drops some seeds into it.

"It's okay, we'll have a nice, clean, unscarred floor again eventually." She says, glancing to the scorch marks everywhere, including the walls. "The throwing fire thing is cool enough to make up for it."

Lydia clears her throat. "Throwing fire thing?" she questions. "I've been here the past two days and I haven't seen this?"

"I'll show you in a moment," I subtly brush her off as I focus on the pot, stretching out my hand. Tendons in my fingers contract. Some instinctively curl, feeling for energy of life in the seed. Once I find it, I pull up on it, urging it to grow faster. Purple magic particles fog around it as it grows, stretching to the ceiling.

The doctor stares up at it wide eyed. "No matter how many times you do that, it never ceases to amaze me." she says.

"You get used to it," Amelia comments, taking notes of her own.

I shrug unimpressively, "Yeah but the clean up for this one is my least favorite." Dr. Braylie nods with a remorseful looks on her face. "At least you can see the fireballs this time." I tell her. She looks to my excitedly, raising her pencil to write. My hand raises at my side, palm tensing as fire spawns in a ball a half inch above the skin of my hand. It's warm as I look at it before pulling my arm back and hurling it at the tree.

"Sometimes harmless but shitty things happen for science," the doctor says, repeating something she's said every other time I've set a tree ablaze.

"You need the practice. It's for the greater good." Amelia adds on. I know that she's right. But that doesn't dull the ache of guilt from growing something just to kill it. It doesn't feel right. If only I could reverse growth as well as enhance it.

My head falls back tiredly. "It doesn't matter. I'm tired, let's call it a wrap and go home." I look to them as I decide. Amelia nods and starts stacking up her books. The doctor follows suit and packs up her things. I stand by the door waiting. All I had needed to bring was me.

After parting ways with Dr. Braylie, Amelia and I walk side by side towards the pack house. She'll drop me there with the twins and then head home herself. You have no idea how much convincing it took for the twins to agree to staying home and doing their own work.

"So," Amelia breaks the silence, "How is everything going?" she asks. I know what she really want to know though.

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