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As the figure lowers the hood of the cloak, a cascade of long, grizzled strands of dark grey hair spilt forth, gently framing a face that bore the unmistakable marks of a life well-lived

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As the figure lowers the hood of the cloak, a cascade of long, grizzled strands of dark grey hair spilt forth, gently framing a face that bore the unmistakable marks of a life well-lived. With each measured step, a pronounced, rhythmic clunk echoed through the Hall, drawing the intrigued gazes of those nearby.

Steadfast and resolute, the newcomer advanced toward the teachers' table, his noticeable limp causing him to sway slightly with each stride. Upon reaching the end of the table, he turned to the right, continuing his unwavering course towards Dumbledore.

Every inch of the man's weathered skin seemed to bear the scars of countless battles and trials. His mouth resembled a diagonal fissure, and a substantial portion of his nose had been lost to some past ordeal. However, it was his eyes that left an indelible impression, and not for the faint of heart. One eye, small and beady, exuded an aura of darkness, hinting at a life filled with shadows.

The other eye, in stark contrast, appeared as large and luminous as a polished coin, radiant and electric blue. It moved with an erratic, unpredictable dance, rolling up, down, and sideways, in complete disregard of the normal eye's motion. At times, it even ventured to roll right over, pointing into the depths of the man's head, revealing nothing but an unsettling expanse of whiteness to the onlookers.

"Oh my goodness," Delphine gasps. "He looks horrific"

"His name is Mad-Eye Moody. You can see why he has that name," Maggie murmurs. "One of the best Aurors the Ministry has ever seen. He's losing it a little bit nowadays from what I hear"

"What happened to his nose?"

"Fight with a Death Eater,"

Maggie and Delphine watch the wizard as he raises a hip flask to his lips, the dim candlelight dancing on the ornate engravings of the container. With a mix of curiosity and concern, they watch him take two generous swigs from it. His reaction was immediate and dramatic - a convulsive shudder ran through his entire body, his throat working frantically as if attempting to suppress a gag.

Maggie's brow furrows in perplexity as she observes the man's unusual response. Her keen eyes spotted a tiny bead of green liquid clinging to the corner of his mouth, like a secret betraying itself in plain sight.

"Are you okay?" Delphine asks.

"Yes, I thought I saw something," Maggie shakes her head. "Trick of the light I suppose"


Maggie looked up to see the Golden Trio had shuffled down to sit in front of her. Harry had a wide toothy smile on his face as he looked at the witch who had saved him at the Quidditch World Cup.

"Hi," Maggie smiles at them.

"Who is your friend?" Ron asks and Maggie is pretty sure he is drooling.

"My name is Delphine," The Beaxbatons girl introduces herself.

"Why are you not sat with the rest of your friends?" Ron asks.

"I saw Maggie and I was enthralled," Delphine shrugs. "I could not believe such a beauty was left to sit alone"

"Maggie, your grandfather is about to speak," Hermione says and Maggie's eyes move to the podium where her grandfather is standing.

"After extensive deliberation, the ministry has reached a definitive decision regarding the Tri-Wizard Tournament. It is with utmost consideration for the safety of our students that we declare no one under the age of seventeen will be permitted to enter their name into the tournament. Let it be known that this decision is irrevocable."

As Crouch's words resonate through the hall, a swift and passionate reaction erupts among those students who found out they were now ineligible to participant. Boos and cries of outrage fill the chamber, echoing sentiments of disagreement.

"That's preposterous! You have no clue what you're doing!"

"This is outrageous!"

Dumbledore's commanding voice thunders above the clamour, instantly silencing the annoyed cries.

Standing proudly before the resplendent golden owl podium, a breathtaking decorative wooden box catches everyone's attention. With a graceful wave of the Headmaster's wand, the box vanishes, revealing a rune-inscribed wooden goblet. This goblet was nothing short of enchanting, its blue-white flames flickering inside as if they were a defiant dance in the face of a harsh wind.

"This, my dear students, is the Goblet of Fire," Dumbledore announces, his voice carrying a sense of gravitas. "Anyone desiring to participate in the tournament shall inscribe their name upon a piece of parchment and cast it into the flames before the hour strikes two weeks today. I implore you not to take this choice lightly, for once chosen, there is no turning back. As of this very moment, the Tri-Wizard Tournament has officially begun."


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