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Maggie turns to see her grandfather striding towards her, his brow set in a deep line. The witch's expression was unreadable as the man approached her.

"Yes, grandfather?"

"You took too long out there today,"

"I won the task," Maggie replies.

"You made our family look foolish,"

"You do that well enough on your own," Maggie shakes her head. "I've heard the rumours in the Ministry. A vote of no confidence is heading for you. So who is the one looking foolish? You're going to be usurped by your own peers"


"You've lost all of the respect that you've spent years accumulating. I wonder who they'll replace you with?" Maggie smirks before gasping in mock shock. "Perhaps it'll be a woman. That would irk you beyond belief wouldn't it, wouldn't it? Personally, I'm rooting for Amelia Bones, now she is a formidable woman"

"You've forgotten how to hold your tongue, Margot," Her grandfather sneers. "I may have to give you a reminder"

"Do it," Maggie steps forward. "I won't live in fear of you anymore"

Not an ounce of fear resided on Maggie's face as she watched her grandfather raise his hand upwards. Footsteps sound out from behind her and a bright flash appears from behind them.

A smirk forms on her face when two tall, identical figures flank her, a camera in Fred's hand and George has his arms crossed over his chest. Both twins were glaring at the men as they stood behind Maggie, ready to intervene if necessary.

"You want to hit all three of us?" Maggie asks her grandfather. "Go on, try it"

"What is this?" Her grandfather asks.

"This is me ensuring financial security and my freedom which means no marriage contract, so have fun informing the Flint family that there will be no wedding," Maggie grins. "You make one move I'm not happy with, this picture will go straight to Rita Skeeter. Your reputation would be shredded"

"You are just as bad as your father,"

"And you're worse than both of us combined," Maggie retorts. "Oh, also I need you to speak to Ludo Bagman"

"What for?"

"He owes these two lovely gentlemen money," Maggie replies. "If you don't get him to cough up, well-"

"Alright!" Her grandfather snaps.

"I thought you'd see things my way," Maggie grins. "Have a nice day Grandfather"


Maggie and Fred were sitting at the edge of the Black Lake, a small fire burning in front of them. They had ditched the celebration party quite quickly, stealing a bottle of firewhiskey each.

"Oh I asked Mum to make a present for you," Fred mumbles, the slur in his words indicating that the alcohol was having its desired effect

"Really?" Maggie's heart warms as Fred pulls out a small wrapped parcel.

"I tried to make it myself, but I am not very good at knitting,"

Maggie opens the parcel and finds a grey beanie in the package. There were some small, decorative pins in the side but the part Maggie was focused on was that the brim of the beanie had been cut to create a vaguely crown-like appearance.

"It's beautiful," Maggie smiles.

"A crown for the champion that's going to win," Fred murmurs. "Here-"

Fred takes the item from her hands before tucking a strand of hair behind her hair. He then places the beanie on her head, gently adjusting it so it rests comfortably on her head. Maggie smiles at him and Fred presses a chaste kiss on her lips before pulling away so their foreheads are resting together.

"You have a lot of faith in me," Maggie murmurs. "Do you not worry it's misplaced?"

"No," Fred shakes his head. "You battled your grandfather today, a man who has terrorised you for most of your life. If you can do that, you can do anything"

"I still love him," Maggie murmurs, pulling away from Fred. "He's my family"

"I know," Fred smiles at her. "You can love someone but you can still distance yourself. But love doesn't excuse his actions Mags"

"I know," Maggie sighs, staring into the flames. "He's done terrible things, not just to me or the fact that he broke my father out of prison. But the one thing that really gets to me is the trial of Sirius Black"


"My grandfather didn't even administer veritaserum," Maggie shakes her head. "I stole the case files once and there were things that didn't add up in the case. If I had the chance to speak to him, I think I could help him"

"Sirius Black?"


"I can help you with that,"

Fred and Maggie both scream in shock at Harry's voice, both of them whipping around to see the spectacled boy grinning at them.

"What is going on here?" Harry wiggles his eyebrows. "Oh god, did I interrupt possible sexy times?"

"What is wrong with you?"

"I have dead parents, I fought a man who had my parents' murderer in the back of the head, I fought a killer snake on steroids, I got attacked by dementors and used time travel, I fought a dragon-"

"We get the point!"

"We get the point!"

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