Chapter 13

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I look at the fresh green grass in the mansion garden, huffing as my mind tries to put together what the last mission meant. I tried asking Mellow, but as usual, Mellow was just as lost as I was. It was pissing me off. There were so many things I didn't know. I hated being out of the loop.

"Damnit! "

*Host calm down, we have plenty of time to figure it out* (  ^U^)

I look down at Mellow who is standing by my left, looking up at me as their tail bobbles around.

"I know but I hate the fact that someone has a hold on me, just knowing someone knows something I don't makes me angry!"

*Don't worry, host is smart so I know the host will find out what it is! We'll get there when we get there* (O^O)

While kicking a nearby rock in frustration I got a bright idea. My body springs into action, walking further into the garden and around a corner. I could hear Mellow squeak and shout after me as they tried to keep up, a confused and worried expression painting their tiny fluffy face.


I stand outside the entrance of the dungeon and suck in a sharp breath.

*H-host! W-wait!* ( >o<)

Mellow yelled as they finally caught up to me with their stubs that they call legs. I roll my eyes and pick them up into my arm. Taking the old concrete steps into the dungeon. The further down I got the more apparent a faint white glow became. Once down to the bottom step, I was greeted by a cheerful voice.

"My love!!"

The rusted cell bars make a large Bam! noise as Felix rushes over to it and slams his body into it with no care for the chains burning his tanned skin. His orange eyes spark with excitement and his pupils expand as he looks at me like a cat on cocaine.

"My love you came to visit meeeeeee~<3"

*Host look how excited your husband is!!* (^w^)

"No, I didn't, I'm only doing my job"

I did come to see him, for my gain of course. but I wasn't going to tell him that. And Mellow would have a field day if I did.

"You came to see me~"

He said it kinda like how a kid would say something after hitting you and running away while trying to taunt you.



"No i didn't.."

"Yes you did, you came to see me right after spying on me~"

My eyes widen as I look at his now stupidly cute smug face, rolling my eyes......he was right though, so I couldn't come up with anything on the spot to say back.

"Whatever, but I need to ask you something"

"Sure what is it my love~?"

"How far can your god power go while you're restrained like this?"

"I can only use 5% of my power while in this stupid pentagram"

"I need your help, do you think you can keep a close eye on a few people for me?"

"Anything for my love!"

"OK, just keep a close eye on the people that come close to this area"

"Of course my love!"

I left as fast as I came after that, I needed eyes on everyone in the mansion. just in case someone tries to betray me.

Felix pov

I watch as his outline leaves my hell hole of a prison. a sick smile creeps onto my face as I start to pant, my body getting all hot and tingly as I shiver and shake. the chains burning through my flesh currently doesn't even bother me, not like they ever did anyway.

"My love~, my love, my love, my love, my love MY Love. "

I whispered my tone shaky as a new raging hunger burned itself into my very core

"They needed me~, They came to see me~.........."

I chuckle to myself as I grip harder onto the cell bars, the rust staining my hands as I do

"You make me feel so-....."

I cut myself off and bite my bottom lip, trying not to get too excited

"I want you, I Need you, why don't you ever stay longer?~ don't worry, once I get him to free me I'll make sure you never leave my side, I didn't do all this work for nothing"

I look down at the floor my mood darkening

"but that rabbit....why was it so close to My Love"
Kaya pov

My newfound trust issues mostly point to the Duke and the MC of this world but it could be anyone....Although I'm not sure if what I'm escaping is even a person...

"Hop do you give missions and Not know what it's about!?"

*Host i'm sorrryyyyy*(T^T)

I sigh and pet Mellow angrily as I walk through the hallway with speed, ignoring the many maids and butlers asking for my advice on things like they can't do it themselves...but wait, what if I have to look out for Felix instead? whatever I can have Mellow look after him. right now I have to pay attention to life outside of the mansion and how to raise my popularity.

My train of thought stops when I come across the Main lead and the duke having a very friendly chat....well, I assume so, I was a bit too far away to hear what they were saying.

I don't care about what they're saying.................or do I?

Carefully slithering my way around a wall close enough for me to semi-make out what they're saying I strain my ears to listen into their conversation.

"you-----tall------handsome-----right? haha"

The duke and his stupid low voice was too hard to hear, but I did manage to pick up on what the main lead was saying....and it didn't sound interesting to me. I was about to leave but-

"Nix please come here"

The duke said in a louder voice than usual.

'shit, was I caught!?"

I take my time strolling over to the pair and stand in front of them like a guilty thief.

"Yesssss sir?"

"Nix you already know Stephanie right?"

I look over to the main lead who flashes me his warmest smile. I give him a small smile of my own.

"Yes we are acquainted"

"Good, I need you two to be the main men in the preparation of the upcoming party"

The duke didn't even wait for me to respond before leaving, he left like he was in a hurry to get away from something. I opened my mouth but before I could say anything Stephanie took my hands in his own and held them tightly. Causing Mellow to drop to the floor

"It's you! thanks for not ratting me out! We're going to be the best of friends now!"

He said in an ugly sweet tone.


I look down at Mellow who the main lead also notices and lets out a gasp. He lets go of my hands and crouches down to Mellow.

"Awwww look at the little bun!! Is it yours?"

"uh- yeah..."

"The Duke lets us have pets?"

"ummmmmmmm- maybe?"

"what do you mean "maybe" ?"

"Nothing..but why are we getting paired up?"

"Oh! The duke wants us to put in extra work and thought two heads are better than one"

He says as he stands to his feet, doing a little spin while having a wide smile on his face


"We're brothers in work now!"

I let out a small huff my body feeling drained just from watching him be so energetic

*Host I-*

"We should start working brother! You don't mind if I call you that right?"

"I guess not-"

I get cut off as Stephine grabs hold of my arm and guides me in the opposite direction I was walking in before, with Mellow hopping behind us.

*Host the-*(  o^o)

"Brother is so smart, I bet we're going to make this party so impressive!"

*Host you-*(ono)

"The Duke will surely reward us for this brother"

Every time Mellow tried to talk to me they got cut off by Stephine who kept dragging me somewhere. I looked down at the floor to see mellow gone without a trace.

(OuO)hey! I know I was gone for a while but I plan on updating more often. and sorry for the short chapter  \( ^w^)/

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