Chapter 30

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Ghost sat in silence, his eyes fixed in a blank stare on the closed door through which Althea had exited moments ago, elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped together. A strange feeling lingered in the room, a sensation he struggled to identify. He had never been adept at navigating emotions, and this unfamiliar ache gnawed at the edges of his thoughts.

With a deliberate shake of his head, he pushed aside the enigmatic turmoil and stood up. His gaze swept across the disarray left behind by Althea's earlier presence. Memories of her bustling in the kitchen, her failed attempts at culinary prowess, and the subsequent clean-up invaded his mind. He couldn't help but smirk, remembering her confused expression after trying (without success) to replace all the dishes back in the cupboard. Now, it felt like something was missing, although he knew that before Althea had come here, nothing had seemed amiss.

He shook his head, trying to purge the feeling from his mind. Turning to tidy his bed, Ghost noticed a photograph resting on the mattress. He gingerly pinched it between his fingers, holding it closer to observe it. It featured Althea, a younger version of herself with sparkling, kind eyes and a radiant smile, flanked by two individuals he assumed were her adoptive parents. She wore a gymnastics leotard and clutched a gleaming first-place medal. It was a stark contrast to the Althea he had come to know, a glimpse into her past that left him feeling oddly sentimental.

He had no idea why, but there was something so alluring about how she smiled in that photo. Her warm, sunny smile that she had given him before paled in comparison to the shining girl in the photo. Even through the desaturation of the photo from age, it looked as if he could reach in and touch her.

As he observed the photograph, Ghost's thoughts drifted. He recognized vaguely the warmth in her eyes, the genuine joy in her smile. However, this person wasn't the same one that he knew. It was a side of her that he hadn't seen in the harsh world they inhabited, a testament to the innocence she had carried before their paths had crossed.

Tucking the photograph into his pocket, he made a silent promise to return it to her later.

Turning his attention to cleaning up the room, Ghost set about the task with a methodical determination. He busied his hands and mind, attempting to divert his thoughts away from Althea. It was a futile effort; she had left an indelible mark on his consciousness.

He scolded himself internally. He was a lieutenant, a disciplined soldier, and she was a lower rank. Dwelling on her was preposterous, and it was unlike him to be so affected by someone. This was uncharted territory, and the very fact that he was grappling with these feelings was unsettling.

Yet, as he methodically tidied his room, Ghost couldn't shake his concern for her. It was a feeling that seemed to defy logic, one he couldn't attribute solely to the remnants of his fever. Althea was undoubtedly capable of taking care of herself; her skills were undeniable. Still, as he meticulously folded a spare uniform, he couldn't help but worry.

Ghost's inner turmoil finally reached a breaking point, and that's when he decided to follow her. He knew he should trust her abilities, but this was Althea's first real day at the task force base. He had captured her before, but this was different. She was one of them now, and he couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that had settled in the pit of his stomach.

And so, with stealth and caution, Ghost trailed Althea, watching from a distance as she sparred with Soap. He remained hidden, a silent sentinel, vigilant and protective, unwilling to let his unease go unattended. At first,

Watching them spar, his eyes followed the movement of her pliant body, trying to capture every moment where Soap (who was definitely not bad at fighting, he noted) ran at her, only for her to twist out of the way, leaving him to trip over his own feet. Althea used the moment to bend and sweep his leg from under him, successfully knocking him to the ground yet again.

Hopping to her feet again, she extended a hand to help him up, giving him that shit-eating grin. Ghost felt a sudden pang of an emotion, surprising himself. How strange...was he really feeling... jealous? That was impossible. He had thought himself incapable of any emotions anymore. Why was he feeling so jealous?

He watched them bicker and shove each other playfully, watched as Soap suddenly seemed way too close to her for Ghost's comfort. Althea's head suddenly perked up, and he ducked behind a corner as she looked right in his direction. Just when he thought that he was about to get caught, Soap touched her arm, pointing towards another room. Althea beamed at him, bouncing after him.

Ghost sighed in relief, turning to walk away and perhaps go back to his room, when he saw Price standing behind him, obviously having seen him spying on Althea.

Ghost's heart skipped a beat as he turned and found Price standing there, a knowing smirk playing on the older soldier's lips. It was rare for anything to catch Ghost off guard, but Price had a knack for being one step ahead.

"Caught in the act, huh?" Price quipped, his tone light but his eyes sharp.

Ghost didn't bother denying it; there was no use in pretending. Instead, he met Price's gaze with a stoic expression, a hint of annoyance flickering in his eyes. "What's it to you, Price?"

Price chuckled, stepping closer and lowering his voice. "Just an observation, Lieutenant."

Ghost clenched his jaw, irritated by the way Price seemed to take amusement in his discomfort. "Is there something you want?"

Price's demeanor shifted slightly, his tone becoming more serious. "Just a word of advice, Ghost. I've seen soldiers like you before. You're not as good at hiding your feelings as you think you are."

Ghost's eyes narrowed, his guard coming up. He didn't appreciate Price prying into his personal affairs. "I don't have time for this."

Price held up a hand, his expression placating. "I'm not trying to meddle, Simon. I've been around long enough to know when someone's carrying a burden they can't share. Just remember, sometimes it's better to face those feelings head-on than to let them eat you alive."

Ghost didn't respond. He turned away from Price, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. 

A/N: Wasn't planning to post today but I got SO EXCITED when I saw so many new readers! Hello! I hope you're enjoying my book, I work very hard on it.

Also, I stopped posting little thank yous for every 1k because I felt like it was kind of disrupting the flow of the story to have so many interrupting it. But just know I am so thankful for every single person who reads this book! Thank you all!

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