Chapter 44

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As Ghost made his way towards the control room, his thoughts remained locked on the kiss he had shared with Althea. His mind drifted back to that stolen moment, their lips pressed together in a tantalizing exchange of desire and promise. He remembered the feel of her soft skin, the scent of her perfume, and the undeniable chemistry that had sparked between them.

His steps were filled with purpose, each stride an echo of his unwavering dedication to their mission.

As he reached the control room, Ghost slipped through the door with silent precision, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of security or interference. His thoughts raced as he prepared to recode the missile, allowing Price to enter the disarm code that would stop the impending launch.

His hands moved swiftly and methodically, his nimble fingers manipulating the control panel with the expertise of a seasoned operative. He reached into his pocket, retrieving the small chip containing the protocols needed to gain access to the missile's security systems.

As the chip slotted seamlessly into place, Ghost's eyes remained locked on the display. He couldn't allow any room for error. The urgency of the mission pressed upon him, driving him to complete his task with unwavering determination.

Just as he was about to make the final input, the control room door swung open, revealing a trio of armed guards. Their presence was an unexpected and unwelcome intrusion, and the tension in the room escalated to a breaking point.

Ghost didn't hesitate. With a swift and precise movement, he activated the recoding process, ensuring that the chip's data was uploaded into the missile's systems. The guards, alerted to his presence, raised their weapons, shouting for him to surrender.

Ghost had no choice but to engage the guards head-on. There was no room for a tactical retreat. As a seasoned operative, he was well-prepared to confront this situation, even if it wasn't his preferred course of action.

Ghost lunged into action. He moved with calculated speed, a blur of lethal intent. His gloved hands reached for the silenced pistol holstered at his side, and within moments, he unleashed a flurry of well-aimed shots. He threw a knife, precisely catching one of the guards in the jugular, blood spewing from the wound. Althea would have been proud.

The sharp staccato of silenced gunfire erupted in the control room. Ghost's bullets found their marks with deadly accuracy, striking down the guards before they could react. The element of surprise was on his side, and he made the most of it.

Two guards fell to the floor, their weapons clattering from their grasp. The third guard managed to squeeze off a few rounds, but Ghost's agility and training allowed him to dodge the incoming fire, the bullets narrowly missing him.

Ghost disarmed the final guard with a swift kick, sending the weapon skittering across the floor. The two locked in a tense hand-to-hand struggle, but Ghost's expertise and determination proved to be superior. With a precise move, he snapped the neck of the last guard, effortlessly and ruthlessly.

Breathing heavily, Ghost surveyed the scene. The control room was now clear of threats, and the missile was in the process of being recorded to prevent a launch. Ghost's unwavering determination and combat skills had turned the tide in their favor. He was glad his suit was red, for otherwise it would be starkly splattered with blood.

With the mission objective achieved, he headed back to the control panel, checking to ensure that the recoding process was proceeding as planned. His thoughts returned to Althea, his worry growing with every passing moment. He couldn't let her down, and he knew that time was running out. Why hadn't she checked in yet? He checked his watch, growing more anxious by the second. She had had more than enough time to incapacitate him, what was she doing now?

To say that he was worried would be a lethal understatement.

As Ghost meticulously monitored the recoding process, his concern for Althea weighed heavily on his mind. She was a capable agent, and the display he had witnessed while she tricked Carlos Gutiérrez had been masterful, but she should have checked in by now. Why hadn't he heard from her?

When he tried to contact her through his radio, all he heard was static on the other end.

He glanced at his watch, the seconds ticking away relentlessly. His anxiety continued to mount, a sinking feeling gnawing at his gut. Ghost knew that Althea was resourceful, but the mission had taken an unexpected turn, and he couldn't help but worry about her safety.

Turning to Price, Ghost inquired, "Have you heard from Whisper?"

Price's stern expression betrayed a hint of concern as he responded, "No, I haven't received any communication from her yet. Keep trying her frequency."

Ghost clenched his jaw and returned to his vigil over the control panel, trying to contact Althea through the comm system repeatedly. Each passing second seemed to stretch into eternity as he grew increasingly restless.

Before long, Soap and Gaz radioed in, announcing that they had captured Hassan and acquired the missile code: 84629403. The pivotal moment of the mission was at hand.

The opulent masquerade ball outside continued to swirl with extravagant celebration, oblivious to the high-stakes drama unfolding within the control room.

Approximately ten minutes before the designated missile launch, Ghost's phone buzzed, and he fished it out of his pocket. Was it Althea? However, what he saw sent a shiver down his spine that cut deeper than any blade.

The message displayed a photo of Althea's blood-splattered masquerade mask. There was a message underneath that read: "If you want to see her again, meet me at the engine room."

A/N: YIPPEE THREE DAY WEEKEND I'M GOING TO SEE IF I CAN WRITE EXTRA!! I'm so sorry for not posting in a while, things have been so busy, and I've been attending many clubs and I'm in the school student council. Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll make sure to try and post again this week :) See you all next time!

How to Love the Stars | Ghost (Simon Riley)Where stories live. Discover now