30 | Jade

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I was having so many emotions pent up inside of me, eating my soul out like salvation. Anger, guilt, frustration, rage, and the most dominant one, worry.

Worry about Aurora and her well-being, worry about how she will react to this whole situation once she gets up; and worry about what she'll think of me as I failed to keep her safe.

It's all my fault. 

I promised her safety, and now she's hurt because I couldn't be more careful.

The voice inside my head kept repeating itself even after reaching the hospital and seeing that Aurora was being treated well. My legs wouldn't stop shaking whenever I tried to calm myself and sit down. My breath is still uneven. All I could think of was the way she was hurt when I found her in the restroom. And now it's been 15 minutes since Aurora was taken inside the observation room, and the doctor is checking on her. I know that she was being treated with the best doctors, but every passing second without any news of her was gnawing at my insides and churned up my stomach into a very disgusting feeling.

My head snaps to the noise of the door being opened, and I see the doctor coming outside from the room where Aurora was being kept. His face showed no emotions as he talked to a nurse, and my patience was getting out of my hands.

"How is she?" I quickly stand up from my chair and ask the doctor. He looks at me before dismissing the nurse with a nod. Christian, Adrian, Nick, and Ivy were all present here with me, and they had the same expressions of worry as mine. But I could bet that they weren't feeling the uneasiness that I was facing.

Doctor sighs. "She doesn't have any harm to her body, or in physical terms, except for the bruises that her hands and arms have." He eyes each one of us. "But it's like she's struggling mentally. Because there is no injury that could explain why she is unconscious."

She's hurt.

She's fighting her trauma, which I always had a clue about.

It's all my fault she's suffering right now.

"Do anything it takes, doctor." Christian's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Just make sure she's okay."

"We are doing our best." The doctor nods and turns around to leave, but his steps halt again. "One more thing. It's better if you inform her family. In times like this, a person shows more improvement around their loved ones." The doctor adds before leaving. He knew why Aurora was here, as Ivy and Adrian mentioned that someone tried to assault her, and he wasn't wrong about her family being here.

"I'll take care of that." Adrian spoke. "I'll call the hospital where she works and ask for her family contact." He adds.

"It won't be easy." Christian replies. "She was our responsibility; the authorities will snap."

"Don't worry. I'll handle them. You guys just concentrate on her well-being. Nick, Ivy, please come with me." Adrian says this before leaving with Ivy and Nick.

Seeing all this makes my legs went numb, and my head started to ache as if someone was continuously hitting me with hammers. I tried to breathe, but my throat became strained from the continuous tug of emotions that were inside of me.

It's my fault.

It's all my fault!

"Jade!" Christian came running to me as I was about to fall from the overwhelming feeling. He grabs me by the shoulders and helps me to be stable. "Are you okay?"

"It's my fault; it's all my fucking fault!" A choked breath leaves my lips. My eyes start to sting from the pain. I felt something wet on my cheek, and when I touched it, I realized I was crying.

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