Chapter 13.

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They came back at 10 pm. She straight went to her room to freshen up and offer her Isha prayers. He was in his room talking to his men about tomorrow.

She knocked on his door and he asked whoever to come in, she went inside and looked around. He wasn't there.

"What is it?" He asked coldly from his closet looking for something.

She chuckled and went near the closet standing outside the door.

"Have you gone deaf what is it?" He yelled.

He moved a little and looked at the entrance and was taken aback looking at her. He immediately got up and went towards her.


"I didn't knew you were there." His voice totally changed from before.

"Why are you so mad?" She asked with a smile.

"I'm not mad, I just couldn't find my tie."

"Didn't we bought with the clothes."

"Yes, but I was looking for the other one." He said softly searching again in the cupboard.

"Shall I help you?"

"Please." He said desperately making her chuckle.

He told the colour and pattern of it and She started looking around in his closet. He smiled looking at her, for the first time she was doing the things as his wife.

With that the door of his room burst open, she didn't noticed it but he did. He immediately went out of his closet to look at who is it.

Daniel was standing there talking to someone on his phone, he looked at Alex and waved his hand. Alex's full focus was on how to take Daniel out of his room.

He cut the call furiously.

"This fucking motherfuckers don't know how to even do such easy work." Daniel was getting more furious.

"What happened dany?" Alex called calmly making Daniel's eyes widen. He called his nickname after nine years. This immediately made his anger to calm.

"What did you called me?" He asked in disbelief making Alex to chuckle.

"Why are you in this mood? tell me." He asked calmly.

"There is a mouse, and 6 of our men are found hanged near the forest. You need to tell them you are married Alex or else we will be in more trouble than this."

This made Alex to burst in anger, he clenched his jaw.

"Let us first finish tomorrow's reception then I will show them who they are messing up with." Alex said with gritted teeth, curling his fingers into a fist.

They heard a shuffling sound from the closet. Daniel immediately took his gun out.

"Keep that in Daniel." Alex said calmly.

"Alex someone is in there." He said in a hushed tone.

"I know." He replied, while walking in the closet.

Eira looked at him with a smile holding his tie in her hand, he chuckled at her and went towards her.

"Eira, Daniel is in my room. I'll take him first then come down for dinner." He said calmly looking at her peaceful face as if she took away all his problems.

She nodded at him feeling happy, he was supporting and protecting her. He wasn't forcing her in anything. He was understanding her.

He smiled again at her and was going out but she held his hand making him stop. He looked back at her.

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