Chapter 56.

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Days were flowing like a waterfall, Amara didn't even try to talk to Umar unnecessarily as she was so ashamed of herself thinking she was trying to snatch her bestfriend's husband.

It was the same schedule for Umar, once a week he meet Imam Hamza and attend his spiritual talks and after attending they sit with each other and he talk his heart out.

In this big and cruel world only Imam Hamza was his family but that warmth which can be felt from real family was not found.

It was a saturday night and Umar was sitting in the mosque listening to Imam Hamza.

"Assalam ul alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu, in the name of Allah the most beneficial and the most merciful." Imam started speaking and everyone replied to his greeting.

"Today let's keep it as an interacting session whatever your doubts or queries are insha Allah let's try to clarify it today."

"Imam, what does Islam say about love?"
One of the boy in his early twenties asked this and the entire hall chuckled looking at his excited and eager face.

Imam smiled looking at everyone whereas Umar was silent sitting in one of the corner and listening to the conversation going on.

"First thing came to your mind might be the love between a man and a woman."

They nodded and he smiled.

"Love is pure feeling, it doesn't only include the love between spouse but it's far more pure. Loving someone doesn't involve only the creation."

"We can love our creator our lord Allah, we even love our beloved prophet Muhammed sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. Do always say 'sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam'. Whenever we say our prophet name."

Everyone mumbled softly.

"We even love our Sahabas and our parents as well as siblings. We restricted the word love only for the opposite gender."

"Ofcourse loving our spouse, our life partner is magical and infact Islam commands us to love our partners."

"The best love is halal love."

"Halal love?"

"Yes, the actual love which starts after nikkah."

"So we can't choose our partners ourselves." One of them inquired.

"That isn't the thing, when you find someone capable for you instead of involving yourself into a haram relationship like dating and meeting without mehram, include your elders and ask them for her hand in marriage."

"Tie the knot by taking blessing of your elders and as the sunnah of our prophet."

"Imam, if we are talking about marriages can you even say about the dowry system."

"This was the question I was waiting for." Imam smiled at this and everyone looked at him perplexed.

"Let me ask you something, dowry what do you all think about this? Like who gives dowry."

They all started looking at each other, and looking at everyone Imam smiled a little.

"The men are commanded to give dowry to women."

As he said this sentence some of them looked at him as if he was speaking French, and others nodded their heads.

"What does that mean?"

"In Islam during the time of nikkah, we are commanded to give the mehr to our bride. This is written in Quran as "And give to the women (whom you marry) their Mahr (obligatory bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) with a good heart"
[al-Nisa' 4:4] "

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