Dating The Ice Prince - Detailed Feedback

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Dating The Ice Prince is a mature romance story by ikomasensei. The narrative follows a young woman as she navigates her life in Japan, but challenges and romance come, which add spice to the plot and the lives of the characters.


Detailed Feedback

What Worked:

As someone who studies Korean history and culture, it bothers me when BTS ff writers ignore the history and culture of Korea. I've seen it time and time again where the authors never address the dangers of Korea, the K-pop industry, the crime against women, etc.

So going into your fic, I was admittedly cautious about how Japan would be described. I'm pleased to say you didn't shy away from the history and culture of Japan, and you acknowledged more than I thought you would. It makes the story more realistic and believable when you don't shy away from every corner of a country. Every country has its pros and cons. You highlight both in a pretty fair way.

I don't know as much about Japan as I do about the Koreas, but from what I know, I can tell this depiction is well-written. You paid attention to the details and took your time to flesh out the world.

I always appreciate authors who take time with the worldbuilding. Too many authors overlook how important the world is, regardless of the genre. Even if you're writing a fun rom-com, the world still needs to have detail and there needs to be a reason the story takes place where it does. You break the Wattpad author stereotype where authors don't use their setting to their full advantage, and I really appreciate that since it made reading the story feel refreshing.

Okay, that was one too many paragraphs about worldbuilding lol, let's move on.

Let's talk about word choice next. There were quite a few sentences and phrases I enjoyed reading, such as "...annoying buzz of a mosquito." I liked how you used that to describe the director's words, that was an interesting choice to characterize the scene without feeling over-the-top or cliche.

A lot of authors become repetitive with their word choice, which makes the pacing feel slow. I did not notice this problem with your book. The word choice was fresh and kept the story interesting without the sentences feeling boring or bland.

I also like the execution of the premise. The story idea itself is something that has been done before, but I believe in execution, not concept. The execution of the concept is what makes the story shine. Although it would be easy to fall to tropes and cliches, the story is executed in a way that flows well, has no plot holes that I noticed, and keeps the reader entertained.

While on the topic of execution, I think the writing style is solid. The style fits the story you're telling. I personally think you should write more stories in this style since I feel you do a good job writing in it, and from my interpretation as a reader, you seem comfortable in your style.

I like the dynamics between all of the characters. Every character has a distinct personality that bounces off of at least one other person if not more, which gives the character writing more flavor. Like I said earlier, since the style is solid, that translates to how the dialogue and characters are written.

This ties back into the worldbuilding, but I like how you give attention to the chain of work in Japan. You don't just tell us Louise's position, but you describe the working environment, her co-workers, her projects, etc. It never feels dull or like I needed more descriptions of the working world. I wasn't expecting such subtle details, but I'm very happy to see you included them.

As you can tell, I really appreciate the world and character building in this story. You do a good job setting up your premise without it feeling rushed or sloppy. The entire story is presented in a fun, unique way and does a lot with its idea.

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