Forbidden Yet Destined - Short Feedback

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Forbidden Yet Destined was written by Hells07dealer and won third place in the Fairy Night Awards, best blurb category. It is a BTS fanfiction centered around the youngest member, Jeon Jungkook. This review will be for the blurb, not the story.


Short Feedback:

The blurb of Forbidden Yet Destined feels like a Renaissance Disney era film in book form through its usage of vivid language and imagery to bring the scene to life. I am typically not a fan of blurbs or writing styles that are too prose-like; however, I think you did a good job capturing a magical essence without being too much. It feels like a blurb from a fairytale.

There is also some good use of figurative language and slant rhymes to make the blurb have more pop. Blurbs, like covers, need their own flair to make the writer's style apparent so the readers know what they're getting in to. Lastly, I didn't notice any major spelling or grammar errors, which is imperative for a blurb.

I only had minor criticisms of the blurb regarding a part of it that I felt was unnecessary, but that does not take away from the magical feel the blurb has and how it's overall very good. Since I already went over it in the FN Awards, I will not focus on it here.



- Disney-like blurb

- Good use of figurative language

- Good use of writer's style

- Solid grammar/spelling



Forbidden Yet Destined has a great hook since its blurb will convince any reader to take a peek at what the story has to offer. It will make you feel like you're about to read a fairytale. Even just reading the blurb will give you a fun, fresh experience. Overall, this is a very solid start that draws readers into the book.


Thank you for submitting your story to the Fairy Night Awards, and congratulations on winning third place. Everyone who is reading this, I hope you guys check out the story and the author.

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