Chapter 18

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Shinobu Kocho's POV

I woke up to the sound of thunder... Once again... How come I never get to sleep properly when I am at Tomioka San's? I opened my eyes and looked up to him, sleeping peacefully... It was hard to believe that we were finally together... After a year of waiting for this man... I pushed myself up to him and kissed him on the cheek, I turned around to check my phone. It was just 2 a.m... Since I am awake, I should get back to studying for today's quiz... I slowly moved Tomioka San's arms which were around me and got off the bed, I turned the lamp on and took my books ready to leave. As I was leaving, I took a glance at Tomioka San, he looked so cute... As much as I wanted to cuddle with him, I could not.

I left the room and sat at the dining table, opened my books and started to work on the problems...



"Huh? Is it morning yet?" I felt a soft kiss on my neck as I rubbed my eyes open.

"It's 3:30 am, you should go back to sleep"

"Eh?? I fell asleep??? I have a lot to check in before the quiz!" my head felt so heavy, I wanted to fall onto the bed so fucking bad... I should have started the preparation 2 days ago...

"T-Tomioka San!!!" he took me up in bridal style and went to bed, I was too tired to fight back so I gave in. I rested my head on Tomioka's San chest as I drifted off to sleep... Not for more than 5 seconds I woke up feeling the cosy bed

"You can study later, now sleep" He lay beside me and I wrapped my arms around him...

"I can't sleep... Help me fall asleep can ya?"

"Shinobu, that is an obvious lie... Even without trying, I can make you fall asleep" he kissed my forehead...

"Enough with my forehead... Kiss me on the lips" I was playing childish cuz I felt... Sleepy. I usually act like that. I felt a warm lip on mine, I cupped his cheek making sure that he didn't pull away so soon.

"As much as I want to continue, you should sleep..."

"As much as I want to sleep, you shouldn't talk with your lips on mine..." he laughed softly as I let him go. And as soon as I did... Everything went blank...


I woke up hearing the alarm on Tomioka san's phone. He struggled to wake up and turn it off so I did it instead. I looked at the time to see that it was 6 a.m. Since it was a rare opportunity to cuddle with Tomuok San like this, I planned on staying with him for a bit longer.

I pulled him closer than he was and kissed her cheek. I pushed myself upward to reach the same height as him, or maybe a bit taller than him. I kept him close like a mother keeping warm of her baby... He was a baby... A cute one...

"How long are we planning to stay like this Kocho?"

"It's just surprisingly comfortable with you... You're so cute ya know?" he pulled me closer his face buried in my chest

"I love you Shinobu Kocho"

"I love you too Giyuu Tomioka..." he groaned as he forced himself up. He got off the bed and went straight to his bathroom.

Wait...! How am I gonna go to school?? My clothes!

"Tomioka San!! You have to drop me back home!"

"You can borrow my clothes..." I heard him from the bathroom

"Well... You don't have all the things that I need!" he went silent, I guess he understood what I meant

"Well then... Give me a while I guess." I left the room to give him some privacy and called Kanae to prepare an extra plate for Tomioka San...

"Good Morning Shinobu! How did you sleep?"

"Good morning Onee Chan, I slept well thank you, how about you?"

"Same here! When are you coming back?"

"Tomioka San will drop me there, can you guys prepare an extra plate for Tomioka San too?"

"Of course, I'll let Aoi know about it, see you when you get home!" she hung up the phone in a hurry, and I went to the kitchen to make some coffee for both of us. Once again I couldn't reach the shelf...

"Let me get it for you" Behind me I saw Tomioka San reaching out for the sugar.

"Thank you"

"Anything for you love..." I blushed hard hearing his new nickname for me... He laughed a bit at my face but I just turned away

"I'll make the coffee, you can pack your stuff" I nodded as I went to his room to pack my bag. I looked at the bed remembering last night... I have never slept with a man in my life... It's not like we did 'it' or anything...

I finished packing my bags as I left his room.

"Here is your coffee, shall we leave after this?" I nodded in response and drank the coffee.


"Holy shit! Too hot!!!" I spat out the coffee and saw Tomioka San laughing at me...

"Really?" I laughed nervously...

We finished the coffee and went to my place.

"Ahh Shinobu San! You're here! Good morning!" Kanae opened the door wishing the both of us

"Good morning Kanao" Tomioka San greeted me as I ran into my room waving at her.

Kanao's POV

Shinobu San ran to her room waving at me

"Come in! Breakfast will be done in a few minutes!" Tomioka San bowed to me in thanks as he took a seat on the couch. I went to the kitchen to help Aoi.

"Something is telling me that they are already dating," I said taking the plates

"Who? Tomioka and Shinobu?" Kanae San came to the kitchen to make some coffee. "I don't think so"

"What makes you think that?" Aoi had mixed expressions in her voice... Disappointed, mad and even bubbly... Like she is.

"I asked Shinobu about her feelings before me and Tomioka started dating. I too felt like she liked him but just for her to respond about him being a close friend to her"

I nodded as Aoi set the plates, I took them and settled them on the table

"Are you both dating?" Tomiok San's eye drifted to me, he kept his emotionless face on him...


"Wait. What?!" I turned to see Kanae San standing there with a shocked face... I shouldn't have asked...


Author's Note

I couldn't update yesterday and I am so sorry about that! 5 more chapters and the book are completed, and a new book will be released on GiyuShino tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

•About the book! {Forgotten Memories}

Thanks to Lady Tamayo's medicine, Shinobu's transformation to a demon has been stopped, but in return, the medicine took away her memories leaving Giyuu Tomioka to take care of her, who had a crush on her

Can Tomioka confess to Shinobu who lost her memories?

What if she gains back her memories but forgets what had happened without it?

The story has not been uploaded yet but I just described it since you guys are kind enough hub to read this book

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