A Protector

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Andrew welcomed Matt in with open arms, taking him straight to the infirmary while I headed to see Carter. Andy warned me that the boy was raging the moment he realised what I'd done, it had taken almost five guards to stop him coming after me.

When I finally made it past the field, I saw him standing against the wall of our building, a cigarette gripped between his fingers while he agitatedly tapped his foot into the pavement. His brows were furrowed, and his shoulders tensed when he noticed me, but he made no attempt to move.

His face softened when I was close enough that he could see the damage to my forehead "What happened" His ran his finger along the dried gash.

"Got in a scruff up while I was doing some shopping, you know, the usual" Joking was my way of making a situation less awkward but the moment I said I knew I was in the wrong "I crashed the car" Carter shook his head as he paced back and forward.

"You're telling me you drove a car, which you don't even know how to drive. Went on a suicide mission on your own after lying to Andrew and now your making jokes" he spat, not bothering to meet my gaze "What if you would have died out there?".

Moments like this I realised Carter didn't really know me, and I didn't know him. Fate brought us together, but we never got the time to really see each other, and I hated that.

"Then I would have died trying to save someone I love. But I didn't, I got him back and I got out alive" I crossed my arms across my chest "Everyone thinks I can't do this shit alone, but I can".

"It's not that and you know it" Carter stood directly in front of me, his mere height towering my petite frame "You put yourself in situations, dangerous ones knowing you might not make it out of them. Like the men who attacked you and Crystal or the gas station. You talk about me not letting you in, but you are exactly the same Katie" He tried to walk away but I grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn to me.

"That's not true, I did that to save people" I argued, but once again he shook his head.

"No, you did it because you think its better if you die than anyone else, that their life is more important than your own. You have help; you have people who care about you, but you don't let them help" he whipped his arm from my grasp and cupped my face "I barely survived losing the people I care out and I can't do that again".

"I'm not going to apologise for going to save my uncle, I would have done the exact same for you" I tried to pull the boy closer, but he pulled back, leaving a harsh space between us.

"But I don't want you to die for me, or anyone else for that matter. That's why I can't do this" Carters shaky hands gestured to the space between us as tears brimmed my eyes.

I knew why he was doing it, and he was right. I value other people's lives more than I do my own because I would rather die saving someone I care about than being ripped apart by the monsters out there.

"Don't do this" I cried as he turned his back and walked away from me, the empty space feeling almost unbearable. He didn't look back once, even when I dropped to the floor and pulled my knees to my chest.

I stayed sat against the brick wall for what felt like an eternity, staring into the distance as I thought over every decision I'd made since this plague started. I hadn't even noticed Andrew sitting next to me until he draped his arm across my shoulder and my body leaned into his touch. He stayed silent like he knew what had happened but didn't want to upset me more.

Andrew's presence was gentle and caring, I needed it. He had the touch of a father, something I hadn't felt for a while.

"He said I value other people's life more than my own" I finally looked up to his dark chocolate eyes "I don't see why that's a bad thing".

Andrew smiled softly at me "It's a good and bad thing. It means that you're a protector, you would do anything to help someone you love and that is never a bad thing. But in this world that can get you killed. I understand why Carter is mad, he cares about you, and you have people here that care about you. People who would have help you save Matt, but you went alone".

"That's not their responsibility though, he is my family. I couldn't put anyone else at risk" I sighed, letting my head rest against his forearm.

"But you put yourself at risk, you don't have to ask us for help Katie. You are here now; Everyone here is my family, and he may be your responsibility, but you are mine for as long as you are here. You are a good kid, but you don't need to do everything alone, let people help" I smiled at him through my tears, I didn't know I need to hear that until the words left his mouth.

"You sound like my dad" I laughed, sniffling as he smiled back down to me.

"Just give him time, he will come around".


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