Hidden behind a mask

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A group of men and women surrounded me, all wearing their determined faces as I stood at the front with Carter. "So the first rule is to always take in your surroundings, see if there's anything you could use to protect yourself or if you can run. If you can't protect yourself running is the best thing to ensure your safety" The group nodded as they listened intently.

I always hated talking in front of a crowd, but knowing I could help these people survive was worth the anxiety.

"Know the sensitive parts" I gestured to Carter's body as I spoke "Nose, eyes, throat and groin. It won't do much, but it will stun them enough for you to get away" Grabbing Carter's hands I pulled him in front of me and rested my palms on his shoulders. "This is the easiest move. Use your grip for momentum, then use your dominant leg and drive your knee upwards" I showed them making sure not to actually hurt my boyfriend. His face was a picture each time I came close to hitting him.

The group were fast learners, practicing on each other while me and Carter demonstrate. My favourite part about the whole morning was throwing the boy over me and watching him land on his arse, he tried to act mad but underneath we all saw the smirk.

Just as the group was dispersing I called Sandra over and waited for the last few to leave "What's wrong honey?" she asked in a soft voice.

I picked at my fingers nervously, trying to think of the right way to ask "You know Jason right? Short ashy hair, few years older than me?" she nodded eagerly "What's his story? I just got a really bad vibe from him".

We sat down on the small benches "From what I can remember, scouts found him a week or two before the school fell. He was looting one of the stores nearby, barely had anything on him apart from a small pocket-knife. Claimed he was with a group, but they got over run and he fled alone" I hummed listening to her, the same story he told me.

"Was there anything strange about him?" Sandra looked confused as she raked her brain over any small details.

Until something clicked and her eyes grew wider "He always hid his bag, never let anyone go near it. I remember one of the guys, Simon I think tried to help him carry it to his room and he almost had a meltdown. Had the exact same bag when we found him after the attack".

My mind was racing, I knew there was something off about the boy and I'm guessing whatever it was, the answer was in his belongings. Sandra looked at me as if she was trying to piece together what I was planning "Please be careful, if you have a bad feeling don't ignore it, but don't put yourself in danger".

I agreed and gave her a quick hug before I left, more determined than ever to find out what the boy was hiding. The people here couldn't see through the mask's people wore, and it was their weakness, but I wouldn't let them get hurt again and this time I wasn't going to be stupid about it.

Carter was waiting by one of the stalls when I left, tapping his heel in anticipation. He knew by my body language I was on a mission except this tine I wasn't going to keep it from him "I need your help".

He nodded slowly "Tell me".

"We need to find Jason's belongings; I think he's hiding something" Carter agreed and told me the boy was staying in one of the tents by the Ferris wheel.

It didn't take us long to locate it because Carter was the one who made the sleeping arrangements with Matt. Jason had a small tent, big enough for two but the boy stayed alone. We called out first but got no reply, the inside was basic, a small cot next to a makeshift bedside table with only a drinking canister and lantern. The black duffel peeking from underneath the bed.

Carter opened it rummaging though his personal effects until he pulled something that brought back bad memories for both of us; A black balaclava, the same Thomas's group wore when they attacked our home and killed our people.

My heart sunk, knowing we'd been sharing our home with the person who destroyed our last. The harsh reality that we never fully escaped them dawned on me as I looked over to the brunette with tears in my eyes.

"I really hoped you wouldn't find that" Jason appeared at the door of his tent; a pistol pointed towards the man I love. The traitor shoved him until he was sat on the cot next to me, both our hands held up in surrender.

If looks could kill, this boy would have been ash by now. The rage building inside me was untameable and if I didn't control it, it would put both me and Carter in deaths way. "It was you, you led them to us" I spat keeping my voice steady.

"We brought you in, made you part of our group" Carter finished, clenching his fists in his lap.

The man clicked his tongue, his eyes darting between the two of us "I had a job, your father's orders actually" he waved the gun towards me, as if this was all a game "he wanted me to scope the place out, obviously we didn't know it was you until you beat him to a pulp. That wasn't a nice thing to do you know".

I laughed sarcastically at him "The prick deserved it".

But this time he let a sinister laugh slip "See this is why I like you, you've got oomph" Carter was tense next to me, watching the man's moves like a hawk "I almost changed my mind, realised maybe you didn't deserve what your father had planned, but then you turned me down for this guy" he then waved the gun back towards Carter.

I looked towards Carter seeing the rage building behind his pure eyes, knowing he was holding himself back just as much as I was. He saw what these people did first hand, and I knew he always felt guilty for it, mainly for the fact he couldn't protect me from the horror. "You touch her, and I will make you beg for me to kill you".

The maniac laughed again "You forget I'm the one holding the gun" his smile was disturbing as he roamed his eyes over me "You are a lucky guy you know" Carter tried to launch himself towards the man, but I pushed him back "But anyways, back to business. Your father wants you back, told me to get in your good books and bring his darling daughter home".

The bile rose in my throat, listening to him speak as if the man actually cared for me "Over my dead body" I was playing with fire and I knew it, this man was unhinged and we were both in danger, but I had to find a moment that wouldn't get us both killed in crossfire.

Jason pointed the gun again "That can be arranged, but not yours" The pistol swam towards Carter, and I almost stopped breathing when I heard the gun click. The thought of losing him breaking me in two, but the bullet didn't fly, the pistol jammed, and I took my moment.

Pulling the knife from my waist I jumped forward pushing the blade through the boy's thigh, he screamed in pain holding the new wound which was pouring with blood. Voices were growing closer outside the tent when I grabbed my other knife and held it to his jugular, letting the blade slice his skin slightly so he knew I wouldn't hesitate.

"You are lucky I'm not slitting your throat" I whispered in his ear before knocking him unconscious with the wooden handle of the blade. The truth was I wanted him dead, he was mishap away from taking the boy I love from this earth, but we needed him. We didn't know if the other group knew where we were, or if they were planning an attack.

We could have a war heading for us and we didn't even know it.


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