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hiraeth (n

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hiraeth (n.) a home sickness to a home you cannot return to, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past.

the school bell rung and everybody proceeded to get up and pack their things, ready to leave and go home.

'four o'clock' a certain psychic thought in his head as he walked through the school hallways, bag in hand.

'if i leave now, i'll make it home in plenty of time.' saiki thought 'at five o'clock, there's a tv show that i cannot miss.'

saiki then sensed something

'oops. that was close. i better take another route'

he then walked the opposite direction, since kaidou was close by

"where the heck did saiki go?" kaidou muttered out to himself "i found a pretty cool abandoned building and i finally finished setting up a secret base in it yesterday!"

kaidou chuckled

"i should show saiki my secret- no, my hideout" kaidou continued

'no thank you.' saiki answered in his head

saiki's next route then came to a second halt as he sensed hairo's presence

"i can't find saiki." hairo said, with his arms crossed "since saiki helped me the other day with making the stand for the sports festival, i wanted to show my appreciation by inviting him to the gym"

'no thank you' saiki answered in his head again 'if you want to show your appreciation, you can start by leaving me alone today'

saiki was about to go out through the emergency exit but sensed something again

'i still can't find kunio saiki' the perfect blue haired girl thought 'i don't really care about him but our teacher asked me to hand these to him' she said, referring to a small stack of papers.

'well, it might be fun to see him flip out when i ask him out for tea or something while giving this to him.' teruhashi smirked 'i'll make him realise that i'm not an illusion this time for sure!'

'no thank you.' saiki answered in his head a third time

the pink haired psychic started to speedwalk

'what the heck is the deal? today's episode is very important since it's the last-'

"hey pal! let's go have some ramen!" nendou yelled out, thankfully he didn't spot saiki

'no thank you!' saiki then sprinted away using his psychic abilities so nendou doesn't notice him

"hm?" nendou looked around

saiki hid in the men's bathroom

"i can't.. go home..." he thought 'as it stands, i can't leave the school. should i just teleport from here to home?'

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