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HOPE STARING at the knock out trailer that belong to Barry from her car, watching all the people that surrounding the place with wide eyes. Last time she went to his place, there's no one around except for her and Barry. But this time, it looks like he's hosting a party in there.

She knows about Barry being a drug dealer, the man mentioned about his not so pleased occupation at her when she was crashing at his house months ago. And watching all these people out here, she's pretty sure all of them are his customers just stopping by to get their package or just casually hanging while doing it

She steps out from her car, still debating whether she should getting in and meeting the man or just drive away. She can set another time to hang out with him, when there's no drunk stumbled on his porch. She doesn't even tell Barry that she's going to stop by, he probably also drunk along with the rest of them.

Hope pursed her lips, but something telling her to just walk in and knock on his door to get the man. She already bring a six pack for the man, bribing Joe couple of bucks so he would let her go with the beer without asking her ID that obviously not legible enough to buy one.

"Screw it" Hope said to herself, grabbing the beers and slamming shut her door before starts to walk towards the trailer.

There's couple of men lounging and sitting on his lawn, sitting casually on a chair. They all look up to her when she's walking past them, she ignores them when there's a whistling coming for her.

"Men" she rolled her eyes and keep going until she reached the front door.

She stops at the stairs, peered through the open door to the inside and see more men sitting around a coffee table with bunches of empty bottle clatters on it. She saw one of them poured a white powder on it before they bringing their face towards it and snort them all in one go.

Hope feels like she wants to puke, this totally isn't a place she thinks that she can pop up and go out like nothing happened. That's when she decided that she needs to turn around and run the hell away from here, before it's all too late. Hope gives a tight lipped smile to those men that watching her before she turns on her heels.

But unfortunately, she bumped into someone causing her to stumble backwards.

"Where the hell is your eyes, bitch!" The man snapped, his tone blaring making Hope to flinch.

She looks down to the floor "I'm so, sorry, sir. I didn't see you there" Hope apologized, hoping that the man isn't going to go violent on her.

She heard a loud grunt coming from him, she thought maybe he's going to let her go. But then, he starts to grab her face and force her to look up at him.

"Wait a minute, I know you" The man said and when she finally get a fully look at him, Hope can feel her heart drops down to her stomach.

"Well, well, well. What a Thornton's girl doing in a sacred place like this" he said with a smirk tugging on his lips, starts to caress her cheek.

"Get off of me" Hope pushed his dirty hand away from her face, putting a good distance between them. Luke Maybank let out a chuckle, shaking his head to each side of it.

"Did your daddy knows that you're here? What would he think that his precious sweetheart hanging around rats" Luke continues to ask.

Hope glaring at the man, hatred filling herself. She never face to face with him like this before, but they met each other couple of times while he's still working with her father before he got fired. Before this, she doesn't have any personal hatred for the man, but know, she totally has one.

"None of your business" Hope spats, she try to push pass him but Luke grabs on her arm and pull her back in "Let go of me, you old fuck!" she yells, yanking her arm away from the man but Luke only tightened the grip around it.

"You know, your dad kinda owed me. That fucker fired me" Luke sneered.

"Are you crazy? You stole something from him, you're lucky he just fired you and not pressed any charge"

"I'm not stealing shits, I'm borrowing it"

"Yeah, sure, dude. You just borrowing it, without any intention to return it back" Hope sarcastically said to him. That only angered him more, because now he's grabbing on her hair and bringing her closer to him. She can smell the musty and uneasy odour from him, along with the reek of the alcohol.

"You mind your words when you're talking to me" Luke warned.

"Let go of me" she snarled again, pushing his hand away but it only getting worse because Luke keep tugging on her hair "Ow, let go off me" she yells once again. Starting to feel the pain on her scalp

The people around them probably way too high and drunk to care about what happened, she heard couple of laughs and cheered coming from them. Ain't no way they're going to help her, she's totally in a deep shit this time.

"That's hurt, you son of a bitch" Hope smacks his hand as hard as she can, deciding if he's not going to let her go she's going to kick him right on his crotch. Just like Rafe taught her.

"You're gonna pay for what your daddy did to me" Luke threatened her, keep yanking on her hair and she's hissing in pain.

"Fuck you--ow" Hope yells again when he tugs on her hair harder, she can feel her scalp almost parting away from her hair.

She can feel tears threatening to come out from her eyes, because of the pain mostly but also can't help to feel scare. She has no idea what the man would do to her and pretty much no one would jump to help her here.

Maybe she should listen to Topper, these Pogues are freaking rats and she shouldn't meddle around them.

"Hey, what the hell is going on here?" Hope heard Barry's voice chiming in from the trailer and he has no idea how grateful she is for that. Barry shows up at the door, wearing his signature wife beater.

"Barry--" Hope calls out his name and when he saw her under the predicament of Luke Maybank, his eyes widened and he quickly jumps in. He suddenly sobered up, the drugs and drink he had feels to flush out from his system at the pleads from Hope.

Though he's still surprised that she's here.

"What the fuck are you doing? Are you crazy?" Barry yells at Luke, gripping on his hand that still on her hair "Let go of her, man" Barry said. He wants to just push Luke away but seeing the situation, he afraid he's going to hurt Hope's more.

"Is she your personal slut, buddy? How much she's charging you?" Luke sneered, smirking like a maniac.

"The fuck is wrong with you, let go of her" Barry sternly said, yanking Luke's hand away "I swear to God, man. If you're not letting her go, I'm killing you myself. No more shits for you" Barry threatened Luke again, using the deal against him.

Hope still groaning in pain, waiting for Luke to let her go

Luke glancing in between them for quick seconds, debating if he should let her go or not. But he favours his drugs so much and he knows Barry would actually cuts the deal with him, he already has problems enough with him. With a heavy huff, he let his hand off from the girl.

Barry quickly pulls her towards him, keeping her on his side just in case. Hope cowering next to him, tugging on the man and he's totally the only person she trusts right now. She cannot say how grateful she is for Barry, she might be Luke's punching bag if he's not shows up any sooner or at all.

"Get the fuck away from here, Luke. I don't want to see your face" Barry bellowed at the man, waving him away "And you're still out for 500, pay it or I will actually kill you"

Luke kicks the empty tin on the ground harshly causing it to clatter before he walks out from the trailer, screaming at the people outside that booing at him. Barry watched him warily and make sure he's far enough before he turns at Hope.

"Now, what in the hell are you doing here?"

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