Sams return

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Y/Ns Pov:

We arrived at the hospital, I quickly got out the car and rushed inside, Amber following after me. I ran into Taras room and embraced her in a tight hug
"Y/N be careful..." Tara said hugging me back as she winced a bit
"Sorry..." I said, letting go of her, I sat next to her and held her hand "How are you feeling?" I asked her, gently rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb
"As well as I can be after being stabbed a bunch..." she chuckled, im glad her humour was intact, it was one of her best quality's.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Amber glaring at me, but I didn't care, I needed to be there for Tara, she was my closest friend, like a sister to me, Amber just couldn't understand that, in her eyes anytime I was near a girl, I was cheating on her, so to avoid arguments I didn't go near other girls as much, but with Tara I couldn't care less what Amber thought.
I watched Amber walk over to the side of Taras bed, she was close with Tara too, I didn't understand why it was okay for her to be close with girls but not me, I didn't understand a lot go things about Amber but I loved her, so did it really matter?

"So uh...what did it feel like to get stabbed?" Mindy asked, Tara looked down, it was obvious she didn't want to talk about it, I gently rubbed her back and gave a look to Mindy, hinting to her to shut up. That's when Sam walked in, I looked at her and smiled so much I felt my cheeks hurting, I shot up and hugged her
"Fuck I missed you" I said as she hugged me back, another guy walked in after her
"Hi I'm Richie, Sams boyfriend" he said to us, i just nodded and looked at Sam as she smiled
"I missed you to Y/N" she held my hand as we walked back to Tara

I sat back on the bed and Sam sat next to me,
"you came..." Tara said as she smiled at Sam
"Of course I came" Sam replied as she gently rubbed Taras arm
As Sam went through and hugged the others I felt two arms wrap around me and pick me up, I turned round to see Amber, she held me in her arms bridal style, I smiled at her
"Are you okay?" I asked her, she just nodded,
I noticed the others starting to leave, before I got to say goodbye Amber carried me out with the others 


An hour later, in a bar near the hospital

We'd been at the bar for a while, Liv was now with us, we still had no clue where she was earlier and why she couldn't see Tara, but we said nothing on it, I was sat on Ambers lap as she sat on the pool table,
"So what's Sam like?" Liv asked as she looked at us, Chad instantly shot up and smiled
"Sam is so cool!" He said looking at the others
"You only say that cause she let you wear Pokémon onesies to bed for a year" Mindy said, I chuckled
"That's true! Thats a true statement" he replied, we all laughed and I leaned into Amber, she kissed me on the head and sat up a bit
"No trust me Sam is not cool" Amber said, I looked at her confused, how could she say that, she barely knew her "her dad left her mum right, walks right out when Y/N and Tara were only young, Sam started acting out, getting in trouble with the cops, and then on Sams 18th birthday she leaves, ghosts them all, maybe Sams changed, I just don't want to see Y/N hurt again" I looked down and fidgeted with my hands, I don't remember telling Amber any of that, and she was talking like I wasn't even there, I was right in front of her
"So what your protecting Y/N from her own sister?" Wes said as he looked at Amber
"well someone has to..." she said as she pulled me closer
"What so no guys are good for her and now her families of limits to?" Amber gave him a nasty look as he said this, but before she could say anything, Mindy interrupted
"oooh motive! If I can't have her no one can...come on Wes we all know you like Y/N" Wes took a sip of his drink and looked at her
"yeah well we all know she'd be fucking better off with me!" He said, this was so unlike him, it was obvious he'd had to much to drink
"What the fuck did you just-" before amber could finish her sentence she was interrupted

"Yo Y/N, you want a real drink" I turned round to see Vince smirking at me "or you gonna be sitting at this kids table"
Amber quickly stood up and turned round to face him, I think she forgot I was sat on her lap, I fell on the floor and Wes helped me up
"Stop trying to fuck my girl okay?! She doesn't even want you! She's mine so back off!" Amber shouted at him
"I mean she probably liked it when i fucked her a few months ago" Vince winked at me and I just wanted to breakdown into tears, I looked over at Amber, she was looking at me like she was literally about to kill me, she grabbed me roughly by the arm and dragged me outside

Pinning me against the wall, Amber started shouting in my face, I didn't even hear what she was saying, I was so scared, she'd never been this mad at me before, never shouted this loud
"FUCKING LISTEN TO ME Y/N! WHAT DID HE MEAN?!" She shouted in my face, gripping tighter onto my arm that she held, I started to tear up and looked at her
"I-I um-" I tried to speak but I was to scared to even get my words out, the others came running over, Chad pushed Amber off of me, Liv looked at me and hugged me
"Want me to tell Amber?" Liv asked, I just nodded, she took Amber to the side, and started explaining to her what happened between me and Vince during the summer, the others all checked if I was okay but I was just looking at Amber, the stone cold expression on her face didn't change once, was she still mad at me? How could she still be mad at me it's not like I asked for it

Liv and Amber walked back to us, I looked at Amber, she stayed quiet for a bit then just grabbed me by my wrist
"Let's go" she said as she started dragging me back to her car
"are you mad at me?" I asked her, she didn't respond, she opened the door to the back seat and just pushed me in, she then climbed in after me, she shut the door behind her and looked at me
"I'm sorry princess...but you should've fucking told me, you can't keep shit like that from me, understood?" Amber said as she pulled me closer, I nodded
"I'm sorry..." I said to her, why was I apologising?! I did nothing wrong...but it was the way she looked at me, the hold she had over me, I felt like everything was my fault, she was my Amber, she could do no wrong
"It's okay...I know how you can make it up to me...." She smirked and started moving her hands up my skirt, it was obvious she wanted sex, I didn't really want to, I think she knew that, but I just felt obligated to...

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