Seeing things

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Y/N's pov:

I was in the car with Amber, we'd just finished doing....things, and now we were heading back to ambers house, that's when I got a message from Tara
"oh shit....Sam got attacked at the hospital...we need to go there!" I said looking Amber, she shook her head
"No we're going back to my house, you can see Sam tomorrow, okay?" Amber said, keeping her eyes on the road, I sighed and nodded, I decided it was best not to argue with her
"Who do you think Ghostface is?" I said as I looked at Amber, she shrugged
"Dunno...maybe Wes...or Chad, he had bruises and when I brought it up he got all defensive" she said with a slight chuckle
"I still don't understand how you knew she fought back hard...she wasn't even awake at the supposed time she told you..." I said as I looked at her, she glanced at me then faced back to the road
"Drop it Y/N..." she said in a firm voice, i shook my head
"No because it makes no sense how you could just know, or did you just lie and accuse him of that?" I noticed her grip on the wheel tighten as I said that
"I said drop it so fucking drop it!" The car ride was quiet after that 

About ten minutes later she pulled up at her house, turned to me and smirked "my parents aren't home for a month, we can get up to whatever we want, wherever we want" she said, she planted a kiss on my cheek then got out the car and walked inside, I quickly walked after her and we went inside

"Im just gonna go to the bathroom quick" I said as I took my shoes off, she nodded and smiled
"Okay princess, I'm gonna go make us some dinner" Amber said as she walked away to the kitchen, I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, only then did I realise my mascara was running down my face, probably from when Amber was shouting at me, I must've been crying more than I realised. I leaned down to the sink and washed my face, then I heard I voice, a female voice, a voice I recognised
"Hey Y/N...damn you've grown a lot..." I shot my head up and turned around...nobody was there, I turned back round and looked in the mirror to see my cousin standing behind me and smirking, I turned back round again to see if she was actually there, still nobody, I looked back into the mirror
"Jill...h-how..." I trembled, why could I see her? How could I see her?
"Don't worry I'm not actually here...I'm still dead" Jill said as she leaned against the wall
"How can I see you..." I asked her, she just shrugged
"Dunno...but let's be've been hearing me for a while haven't you...ever felt like your being watched?" I looked down and remembered one day during the summer, when I was getting ready for work, I swore I saw someone through my window, that was the day Vince...well you know, was that Jill?

I looked back up at the mirror to see she was gone, I dried my face and walked out to the kitchen,
"Hey babe...I just got a message from Chad, Vince was found dead outside his car" Amber said as she looked at me
"Oh shit..." I said as i walked over to her, she picked me up and put me on the counter,
"Yeah he was stabbed in the throat, he fucking deserves it, trying to take you from me...your mine...just mine" she said as she chopped some peppers
"I don't think anyone deserves to die...I mean he was only 22..." I said as I looked down, Amber stopped chopping and looked at me. She got closer to me, held my jaw and made me look at her
"I don't care....he did deserve to die, and I'm glad he did and I hope it was really fucking painful for him, i just wish I was the one to do it" she let go and went back to what she was doing, I got down off the counter
"What the fuck Amber? I know what he did was wrong as fuck, trust me I know, but doesn't mean you need to start saying you wish you were the one to kill him, especially with fucking Ghostface, people would think your killer if you said that to them" I raised my voice at her, she looked at me, she was pissed but I stood my ground
"Why the fuck are you standing up for him?! Did you love him?! What the fuck!" Amber shouted as she moved closer to me,
"No! I'm just saying that's a fucked up thing to say! It sounds like something Ghostface would say!" I didn't mean to shout at her, it just kinda happened
"Now your fucking accusing me of being a killer?! What the fuck is wrong with you!" She shouted back as she shoved me
"What's wrong with me?! More like what's wrong with you! Your the controlling one who gets pissed if I talk to any girl! You shout at me about things that aren't even my fucking fault! Your such a bitch!" And there it was, I said it and knew I'd soon regret it, and that i did, Amber slapped me across the face and knocked me to the floor, I instantly broke down into tears, I held my cheek from where she slapped me and looked at her
"DONT EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Amber shouted, I flinched back and used the counter to pull myself up
"I'm going to the hospital...ill stay with Tara tonight" I grabbed my phone and walked out the room

I sat down on the floor by the door to put my shoes on, Amber came after me
"No baby don't go...I'm sorry, okay? It's kinda your fault though...I mean you started it, you deserved it..." She said as she crouched down by me, I got up
"Just...just fuck off Amber, I need space" I said as I walked out the house, I called Sam to come pick me up, I heard the door open again and turned round to see Amber
"Please babe I didn't mean it im sorry princess..." She pleaded as she walked closer to me, I stepped back a bit
"I'm sorry for accusing you of being Ghostface okay...but that doesn't mean you get to just slap me...just give me space okay?" I said, she sighed, nodded and went back inside

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