Chapter 5

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Physically, I am exhausted. But my mind kept me awake. Adrenaline kept me going. How would I explain that I know how to help her without giving myself away? Would she ever forgive me if she knew what part my family played in this?

"Ghost, go to bed."

"I'm not leaving your side."

I insisted that I would stay by her side in case something happened. I've heard stories of people vomiting and then suffocating in it because they couldn't move and nobody could help them in time. Not on my watch.

"Then come here."

She pats the empty space beside her.

"I'm not gonna touch you."

She sighs and lets out an annoyed groan.

"I know, now get over here."

I slowly walk over to the bed and sit down, resting my back against the headboard. It's a queen sized bed, so there's enough room for me to distance myself. I tense up when she turns towards me. Wide awake. Her breath tickles my hand.

"You're immune, right?"

How is she not tired right now?


She scoots closer to me and sits up, matching my position. I stay tense, unmoving like a log.

Don't let your boy brain do anything stupid.

"I figured it out," she whispers.


She looks up at me and smiles.

"You're not good at flirting with girls."

Is she a psychic or something?

"Yeah, I'm a virgin."

"Nothing wrong with that."

"Are you?"

"I was too busy being a failure to the family, I didn't have time for anything else."

I hum and raise an eyebrow at her.

"But you still had time for a boyfriend."

"Shut up," she smiles and smacks my arm with a pillow.

Good going, boy prodigy.

Frost lies back down and adjusts the blanket.

"Lie down, you can't sleep like that."

I don't move a muscle.

"I'm fine the way I am."

She groans and wraps the blanket tightly around her arms. I finally give in and get under the covers, still keeping my distance. She relaxed, and within a few minutes, she was snoring. I sink my face into the cheap pillow. That was the first night in a long time that I didn't get nightmares.

. . . .

I wake up long before she does and watch her sleep. So peaceful. There's a small wheeze behind every inhale and exhale. She eventually coughs herself awake.

"It's okay, you're okay. Breathe."

Her coughing fit lasts until she's crying from coughing so hard. Her tears trail down her face and neck, baptizing her skin in the salty solution. Once she starts gagging, I help her sit up while she leans against me for support.


"Don't be."

She stayed leaning against me, shallow breathing against my neck. It lasted about twenty minutes before she sat up. It was terrible to watch. And at that moment, I realized that I don't care if she knows who I really am.

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