ep 16

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(They reached the university jimin and jhope got down from the car and were about to go when suga spoke)

Suga: come here (they came towards him)

Jhope: yes sir?

Yoongi: as Jungkook is absent today so if any of the teachers give any test, project or any work for tomorrow so do tell me...i don't want Jungkook to miss any tests okay?

Jimin: okay sir

Jhope: umm sir (yoongi looked at him) please do not tell about bunking to kai or dad please i promise i won't bunk from now on

Yoongi: we will see that for now go to your class (he replied coldly, jhope and jimin started walking inside the university not knowing that yoongi was also walking behind them)

Jhope: (whispering, walking inside the university) cold ass

Jimin: he is not cold at all bro, he is completely different to what he is at university

Jhope: what do you mea...(cuts off)

Suga: stop whispering and go to your class (he said as he went in his cabin)

Jimin: let's go inside the class then i'll tell you

(They went inside and sat on their usual seat, on the last row)

Jhope: so now tell me, why did you come with sir? Why were you crying in the car? And why is Jungkook absent today?

Jimin: actually.....(he told everything to jhope, jhope looked at him in disbelief and spoke)

Jhope: jimin you shouldn't have shouted at your mom

Jimin: i know i did wrong and i am guilty...i'll apologize to her when i go home

Jhope: hmm by the way that means you didn't eat anything?

Jimin: i ate...sir took me to a cafe, i was literally so shocked to see his different side

Jhope: different side?

Jimin: yes, you know when we went inside the cafe i was crying so hard and sir comforted me, he wiped my tears with his own hands, he made me understand calmly that i was wrong, he has a different side he is so soft and caring

Jhope: wow..i never knew he is soft and caring

Jimin: same but everything aside those some hours with sir in the cafe were the best...i'll think of it as our first date (he said and winked to jhope who laughed at him)

Jhope: hmm by the way how's jungkook now?

Jimin: i don't know i didn't ask hyung, plus hyung has snatched my phone away so

Jhope: let me ask him (he said as he took out his phone from his pocket)

Jimin: you got your phone? (Jhope nodded) how? Kai hyung agreed to give your phone?

Jhope: yes i said i will study hard and begged him to give me my phone back, so he gave it to me

Jimin: woah lucky bro

Jhope: why don't you ask tae hyung to give your phone?

Jimin: naah bro he won't give it back, not after what happened in the morning....by the way do you even know if sir gave jk his phone or not?

Jhope: yes i am sure he got his phone back

Jimin: how are you so sure?

Jhope: he can't live a single day without a phone and i am sure he must've blackmailed sir and got his phone back

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