Chapter 8: Hang Out Type of Friends

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The next day at break, I walked past Sam sitting alone by the tree he always spent his time at when the weather was good. He was seated on the ground, lounging back against the tree and reading, and I realized I wanted to be there with him. So I made a split decision—instead of going to the picnic table by the science building where Mina and the others hung out, I made my way over to Sam.

Without preamble, I sat down beside him and pulled out a lollipop.

He looked up from his book, a shocked expression overcoming his features. "What are you doing?" he questioned.

Nervousness raised in my blood. What was I doing? I was going to ruin it all, my efforts to get him to not hate me. Didn't I remember the last time I attempted to sit next to him outside of class?

But I was starting to see a different Sam now. His misunderstood, too-cool-to-care façade had begun to fade in a few areas. And I was curious to see what laid beneath. So, bucking up, I replied, "Sitting. It's usually what friends do together."

Echoing what he'd said that day in the cafeteria, he replied, "No one sits here by me."

I grabbed my backpack, the rejection stinging. Oh well, it had been worth a try. "Well, fine, I'll leave."

"No," he amended. "I did not mean it like that. I just—" His eyes searched my face. "You do know you are committing social suicide, yes?"

I shrugged. Yeah, I probably was. Mina wouldn't care, though, and that's all I really cared about. Maybe the volleyball team would, but Mina could smooth things over if there was a problem with our other teammates. "Why would I care? If they're so shallow that they'd shun me because I talk to you, then why would I want to associate with them?"

"I do not want you to limit yourself."

"Look, if I'm stressing you out, then I'll leave."


"I can take a hint, Sam."

"Abigail, wait. I want you to stay." He seemed surprised to hear it come out of his mouth. He paused a second, considering, then continued, "I am just not used to people wanting to talk to me. It is new to me."

"Well, I like talking to you. And plan on doing so, outside of class."

Sam looked over at me intently as I relaxed on the grass next to him and watched me peel open the lollipop. I let him without complaint. "I like you, Abigail Shea," he finally said.

I blinked in surprise. "Why, thank you, Sam Durand. I just so happen to think you're pretty cool."

Sam paused and looked at me seriously. "Thank you," he said with genuine sincerity.

I shrugged. "Sure."

And then it finally happened, Sam smiled, a full on grin. Good gracious, it was beautiful, all white sparkling teeth and gentle eyes and one twisted tooth. And the smile was directed at me.

I realized I was staring. Not good—I had to get it together. I shook off my surprise and fascination, begging myself to gain my composure and look away from those warm eyes. "Um..." I mumbled, looking down at the book in his hand. "So, what are you reading?"

We talked about his book and our AP English homework as I played with my lollipop more than I ate it. Soon, break was over, and we separated for one of the only classes we didn't have together. I couldn't stop smiling. Sam and I were friends. Hang out together type of friends. And best of all, Sam smiled. It's not often I make someone older than eight smile, so I celebrated my win. I'd made a new friend. Counting Mina, that made two. How awesome was that?

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