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Sam came up behind me as I stood staring out the window of his chateau watching the sunrise. "Good morning," he murmured in my ear, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

I leaned back against him with a happy sigh. "Good morning."

"You are up early," he murmured against my neck. "Having second thoughts?"

"Not on your life. Just enjoying the sunrise in another country."

It was the first new country I'd been in, and I couldn't wait to see sunrises in more places. We had delayed our world travels since I'd learned at my recovery program that I should set a structure for myself to help with my recovery. We'd gone straight to college after a quick trip to France. Sam had wanted to show me his home country, if only for a few days. I'd soaked it up like a sponge, feeling a sense of peace and homecoming there.

Now, we'd spent the summer before our junior year in France, fixing up the chateau so we could spend our summers there. Only two more years of school, and we'd be free to do as we liked. The chateau would become our base while we traveled and saw the world.

"Does it look different?" he asked.

"Nope, just as beautiful here as anywhere else."

"Mm, just like you."

I smiled at his compliment. "I couldn't sleep," I told him. "I'm too excited."

"Let us just go then. I will call Camille. I am sure she will understand."

I turned and beamed up at him. "Okay. Let's do it."


An hour later, we arrived in a tiny French village on the outskirts of a forest. I breathed in the fresh air deeply as I stepped out of the car. It smelled crisp and clean with dew still collected on the plants around us.

Camille was there to great us, a small smile on her austere face. "Waiting proved to be too much, hm?" she asked.

Through a wide smile, I said, "Yeah."

We pulled on backpacks and started to make our way into the forest. I was excited, but was surprised when unexpected nerves started to kick in the closer we got to our destination.

Forever still daunted me. Being alive to see the end of the world, the end of my loved ones, it was still a heartbreaking prospect. All the change I would witness still scared me.

As if sensing my nerves, Sam squeezed my hand, and I turned to look at him and his encouraging smile. My nerves calmed. If Sam was by my side, it would all be worth it.

The further into the woods we got, the feeling of rightness swelled within me. I could feel the river pulling me closer and closer, humming its siren song, calling me to its water.

"Do you hear it?" I asked Sam.

"I always have. The river is excited to have you."

Excitement flooding through me again, I pulled on his hand, urging us to go faster. He laughed along with me, and let me tug him further into the woods.

It wasn't long before we got there: the river of immortality granting water. I gasped at the beauty of it. It wasn't a fast moving river, but more of a wide creek. It had a golden glow about it, just like the color that shot through immortal auras. The siren song it emanated was joyful, as if welcoming me, celebrating my presence.

I turned to Camille. "Can I?"

"Step forward, Abigail," she replied.

I turned to Sam one last time in my mortal state, looking for his steady encouragement. He smiled gently at me, squeezing my hands. "Ready, mon amour?"

I took one last steading breath. "Ready." I stepped towards the river and knelt down at the water's edge.

"Go ahead now, Abigail," said Camille. "You may drink."

So I dipped my hands into the water. Cupping some in my hands, I brought it to my mouth and drank. It was cool and crisp, and felt so right against my skin and in my mouth.

With that, I gave mortality away and welcomed my new, eternal life with Sam by my side. I chose him, and an eternity together. My world changed, and everything felt so right.

I'd be with Sam for eternity, and I'd never felt so alive. Everything was going to be alright. No, more than alright. Everything was just how it should be.

It wasn't perfect, but it was just how it should be. I'd never have to leave Sam, my soulmate's, side.


I was lovable, I was wanted, and I had everything I could ever need. I was ready to tackle the rest of my endless life, and I was ready to do it with Sam.

Everything was just so right.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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