chapter 4: tears and tension

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Natasha's pov:

I opened my mouth about to defend myself when Vincent interrupted me. Rude bitch.

"Xander, meet me in my office at 22:00!" he scolded.

I didn't need some random ass man to defend me I could do it myself. I continued with my blank, emotionless face. I think it was doing the job as nobody interrupted me for the majority of dinner. Just before I was about to get up, I felt a buzzing in my pocket.

Everyone's eyes were on me, again. I hated all their attention. Their eyes were too similar to mine, it was so weird. I wish I could just snap all their necks but then I would have nowhere to go. I set my plans off to the side and took out my phone from the back pocket. I needed to remind myself to put my phone on silent more in the future. I checked the caller ID and my heart sunk.

It was Seb.

I completely forgot about telling them, how could I be so stupid? They must think I quit or something. They must be so worried. But I couldn't dare to pick it up in front of my 6 brothers. Who knows if Seb would talk about the business? Would they even know what we were talking about? How much english do they actually know? My head would officially be chopped off. #Beheaded I thought to myself.

I don't want to be the next Anna Boleyn, we all know how she ended up.

I instantly decline the call and place the phone on my lap. Hopefully this would make me less suspicious. WRONG. Six pairs of eyes were still on me. Fuck.

Adrien then questions "Who was that Nat?" I replied giving him my honest answer "It was my friend Sebastian." Adrien was about to speak when another buzz came from my lap. FUCK.

Seb was really ruining this for me. But I knew that he just cares for me and wanted to know where the heck I was. I mean it is pretty concerning when your mafia boss just disappears in the middle of a random school day. I can hear him out.

My thumb was already hovering the decline button, when all of a sudden, Vincent's orders:

"You can call him, but it must be on speaker phone."

My heart pounded louder than ever before. Was this man crazy? Speaker phone? SPEAKER? I don't know what came over me but I really wanted to speak to a familiar voice and the truth was, I am lonely. As much as I didn't want to call him with my brother's gazes on me, I had no other choice.

I accept the call and reluctantly click the speaker button. Seb's voice booms throughout the room's walls " TASH! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? WE'VE BEEN TEXTING YOU FOR THE PAST FEW HOURS. GIVE US YOUR LOCATION RIGHT NOW!" He shouted through the speaker.

I was going to to assure him that I was fine when Leo grumbles "Why the fuck is he talking to you like that?" I shrug my shoulders with my poker-face equipped. I was going to say something to Seb when he interrupts me again. "I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF ANYONE LAID A FINGER ON YOU I WOULD HAVE THEIR HEAD!"

I let out a small smile knowing that atleast someone cared for me. "Seb I'm fine, I'll explain everything later." I assured him. I didn't want to explain while all my brothers were here. They COULDN'T know about the business.

There was a few seconds of silence when Seb shouted again "OH MY DAYS, WE'VE TRACKED YOU. YOUR'E IN FUCKING BRAZIL! THEY TOOK YOU DIDN'T THEY? THOSE FUCKERS, DO YOU NEED BACKUP? WE ARE COMI-" I couldn't stand him anymore. I knew I should've explained everything to him earlier but I needed to be alone. Also for the love of god can people stop interrupting me?

It was my chance to finally interrupt his ass "It's not what you think Seb, I don't need any backup and I'll explain everything later, I promise." I ended the call.

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