chapter 37: passenger princess

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Natasha's pov:

"Get in Ms.Perfect!" He shouts across the street. I hear the car door unlock and I hop into the shotgun seat.

Oh boy, this was going to be fun.

"Hey Mr.Mysterious." I greet him playfully. He pauses a moment and stares straight into my eyes. I feel something inside of me, like something is fluttering down in my stomach. He looks away when he notices me staring back, he steps on the gas pedal and we're off. We zoom down the road and we take numerous corners towards our final destination.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask cluelessly.

"You'll see." He responds with a smirk. I roll my eyes at his unhelpful reply. He can be so mysterious sometimes, I wonder where he gets his nickname from. "Your car is surprisingly nice not gonna lie." I compliment his vehicle. "Of course it is, I picked it." He responds cheekily. I swat his arm playfully.

This man's ego is off the charts.

Around 3 minutes into the drive, I watch as his spare hand works its way onto my thigh. Oh. My. God. His veiny hand grasps my upper leg so softly but so harsh, all at the same time. My heart is pounding faster. The things he does to me are unheard of. I let his hand graze over my leg. His hand soothes my body tension.

The weird thing in my stomach is fluttering again.

I feel myself blushing at his devious actions so I look away. I hope he didn't notice that. My gaze wanders to the window. The gorgeous blue sky compliments the glowing green grass. I spot the emerald mountains in the far distance with jade trees covering the thick brown soil.

Brazil is a magical wonderland.

Nico and I make small talk here and there during the car ride. I explained to him about the incident and we also talked about the fight. He didn't shame me for not eating, instead he offered to bring me to a food truck. He claims that they make some of the best Brazilian meals in the country.

He even swears by it.

Not long after, we pull up into the car park. Before I can open the car door, he runs around to my side and opened my door for me. He lends his hand out and I use it to stand up. I mention as we walk "You didn't seem like quite the gentleman when I first met you."

"First impressions always last the longest." He replies with the corner of his mouth lifting.

I giggle at his response which earns me a chuckle from him. His voice in this form sounds harmonious. We walk along the bustling streets of Rio when his steps come to a halt. A steel food truck stands in front of me with a sign that reads 'Rio's finest Acarajé'. I flick a glance at Nico but I find him already beaming at me.

I flick him a small smile.

In case you're wondering, this crispy fritter is made from black-eyed peas, which are mashed with chopped onions and deep-fried. It's a popular street food, most common in the heart of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. "Two Acarajés Davide." Nico orders with a nod. Looks like he's a regular.

"You come here often?" I turn to ask him whilst we wait.

"I try to." He replies and scratches his neck. "You're the first person that I've let in on my secret spot." He admits shyly.

I'm the only one that he showed? He wanted to show me? ME? The fluttering in my stomach grew stronger. I nod to his admission and I feel a rose tint making its way onto my cheeks. I look away to hide my blush. I hate when I blush uncontrollably. "Is there something wrong Ms.Perfect?" He asks me with my back turned to him.

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