Chapter 58- Safe and Sound

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This chapter is dedicated to the readers of Forget-Me-Not.

"She's waking up!"

"Oh, thank goodness."


"Angel, please wake up."

As I come to, I quickly recognize my location as being the Snuggly Duckling. I'm resting on a cushioned window seat with a pillow or two beneath my head, and I'm surrounded by a couple of pub thugs, my parents, Xavier, Eugene, Lance, Rapunzel, Angry, Catalina, and Varian. Worried and relieved looks vary from face to face, but nobody looks more relieved than my boyfriend.

Varian gently wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to his body. I listen to the rhythmic beat of his heart and smile a bit. "I'm so glad you're alright, Angel. You had us worried."

"What...what happened?" I groggily ask, still coming off the effects of the sleeping potion. "W-Where's Faith?"

Everyone glances at one another, uncomfortable looks on their faces. Finally, Rapunzel slowly approaches me. "(Yn)...Cassandra took over. She had disguised herself as Faith to
get closer to us. Now she has control of the kingdom."

My eyes widen in horror. I'm fully awake now. "No. No no no no no no no... it's not true...tell me it's not true..."

My sister reluctantly sighs. "I wish I could say it isn't."

Tears break from my eyes. My kingdom, my's all gone.

All of it.

Varian holds me tight as he tries to comfort me. With a strong sense of determination he says, "We'll get our home back."

The look in his eyes tells me he's right.


After a long day of strategizing how to take Corona back, I'm more than a little bit ready to get some sleep. I stop by the washroom and splash some water on my face before making my way up the stairs to the second floor of the pub. As I head to my temporary bed, AKA the window seat, I suck in a breath. I'm not too thrilled to be sleeping on the window seat for the second night in a row, but I can't complain. Not really.

Since most of the population of Corona had to flee the kingdom, the Snuggly Ducking has become a refuge for everyone. Makeshift hammocks made of tablecloths, chairs pushed together for the children, and bearskin rugs on the floor serve as beds for the majority. The lucky ones got couches, bunk beds, and window seats.

As I sit down on the window seat and begin to fluff my pillow, I try to avoid looking out the window. Since I'm on the second floor, I have a perfect view of Corona. With the extensive black rocks piercing through every building, it looks like a shell of what it once was. I push it from my mind. I begin to lie down and snuggle into my thin, maroon blanket when I notice a familiar silhouette approach me.


I smile a bit as Varian steps into the light of the moon, his blue eyes are as prominent as ever. "Hmm?"

"Could I maybe sleep with you tonight? I really don't want to sleep next to Lance again." He sheepishly requests. "He snores. A lot."

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