Chapter 60- The Tomb

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I shiver as snow swirls around our group, nipping at our rosy cheeks. The harsh wintery air slams against our bodies, with the force of one thousand soldiers heading into battle, making me yearn for the warmth of a fire. My fingers and toes are going numb from the cold atmosphere, so I cross my arms over my chest to conserve my body heat. Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance, the girls, Varian, and I have begun our journey to Demanitus' tomb, which just so happens to be located in the highest peaks of the Coronian Mountains, one of the coldest spots in all of the Seven Kingdoms.

Vast and grand the Coronian Mountains are not only spectacular but dangerous as well. Due to their slippery slopes and extreme temperatures, most people are too fearful to venture into the icy wasteland. Because of this, the mountains have hardly been explored. I'm beginning to see why Damanitus wanted his tomb here; so, nobody could find his greatest inventions. After several grueling hours of hiking through the expansive mountains, we finally arrive at a cliff with two rope ladders climbing up the side.

"We're almost there!" I informed our party with relief.

Angry and Catalina quickly rush to the ladders and begin scurrying up them. "Come on you old-timers!" Angry teases.

Catalina giggles. "Last one up is a Saporian slug!"

"C'mon, guys! Let's climb!" Rapunzel cheers, already climbing up the ladder after the girls.

Lance and I begin to follow my sister, and I hold my breath and try not to look down. My heart pounds in my chest as I crawl up the rope ladder, praying that it isn't too old. Several months ago, the fear of falling never would've crossed my mind, but since nearly plummeting to my death twice now, I can't help but feel uneasy from being so high up.

When I at long last reach the top of the cliff, I breathe a massive sigh of relief but almost immediately breathe it back in when I see Demanitus' tomb. Ancient symbols carved into giant slabs of rock protect the tomb like a fortress, and I suddenly feel small standing in the grandness of such an incredible structure. "It's magnificent!" Varian exclaims, walking up beside me.

"I know right?" I reply, still in awe.

"Is it just me, or is there no door to get in?" Eugene points out, arms crossed over his chest to keep warm.

Rapunzel sighs. "It doesn't look like there is."

From the corner of my eye, I notice Varian approach the stone wall and run his gloved fingers along the cold stone surface, clearly looking for a clue as to how to get in. I also scan the wall and notice a cluster of words carved into the stone. "Guys! A riddle!"

Varian's eyes practically begin sparkling while Eugene rolls his eyes. I find the parallels between the two amusing. "Ha! Classic Damanitus..." Both said at the same time. While Varian speaks with a more upbeat tone, I find that Eugene's response is oozing with sarcasm. I giggle.

Rapunzel begins reading the text. "'I grow, but do not live. I need air, but I do not breathe.'"

Without thinking the girls shout out answers. "A fish!"

"A rabbit!"

"A rabbit fish!!!"

Eugene turns to face them. "People, are you even listening to the riddle?"

"Oh, sorry. We were playing charades." Lance laughs. "But the answer to the riddle is fire."

The captain of the guard scoffs. "Lance, it's not-"

I cut him off. "Lance is right."

"It is fire!" Rapunzel exclaims, reaching her hand into Varian's backpack and pulling out a more recent invention of his, a torch with a fire-inducing alchemy spere, that when broken creates fire. My sister smashes the torch against the stone, and a flame erupts from the object. She slowly holds the torch to a circular-shaped hole carved in the wall. Within seconds, the carvings in the wall light up and glow a bright golden color and illuminate the structure.

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