Ch 17: 'Anthem'

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[And here we have it, the first fight of the Sports Festival! The real action starts right here ladies and gentlemen, and as we all know, the reader doesn't play around when he's in a mood. And right now, playing around is the last thing on his mind. But how exactly will he go against to a person who can basically control people with a simple notion of his voice. Well...That's why this chapter is here, to explain such things. So, if you're interested in seeing what happens, be sure to check out today's chapter...It's definitely not one you'd want to miss~]

[Your POV]

I could hear it all...The cheer of the crowd...


...The voice of Present Mic over the speakers...

"Audience! Are you ready for this?!"

It all felt so surreal. When you're a kid you always picture these crazy moments in life, like you're living through them in that exact moment. Well, right now, it feels exactly like those moments. Except, until those faint images that hover around your mind. This was real, and I wasn't going to let that chance go to waste. Every noise that flooded my ears soon became faded in the background as I focused on walking toward the centre platform made from cement. 

Crafted by the handiwork of Cementoss, the stage was set. My opponent, Shinso, was already awaiting me on the cement-based field that had now risen a few meters off the ground in the middle of the arena. His silent grin was enough to imprint the image in my mind, but I made no motion for a response. I kept quiet and simply began to climb the stairs of the battlefield. As I did do, the voice of Present Mic echoed through the speakers arena the arena once more.

Present Mic: "I cannot believe this, we've already reached the final stages of this year's Sports festival. It's truly the moment we've all been waiting for! And what a match to start with! Coming in straight up! Match number one! It's the boy who has caused a lot of fuss, and after punching a classmate in the previous round--Uh...Don't tell Midnight I said that--He manages to find himself moving onto the next round! From the hero course, It's (Y/n) Midoriya!"

It was as Present Mic called my name that a sudden image flashed before my eyes. It was of Izuku, who stood in the place I currently was. I don't know whether it was an image from another reality, or my mind playing tricks. Whatever it was, the image of Izuku standing nervous on the platform I currently found myself standing on was a sight that I couldn't help but smile at. He truly would have loved a moment like this, and with how hard he worked in wanting to become a hero, he definitely deserved it more than me.

Present Mic: "--And his opponent, uh...Sorry, he hasn't really done much at all so fair in the Sports Festival. Uh...What's his name? Oh, yes! From general studies, it's Hitoshi Shinso!"

As his name was called, my eyes fell in the direction of my opponent. I never truly understood why he picked me out of the crowd all those days ago, before the Sports Festival had even begun. Sure, I carried a name around with me after USJ. But still...It felt like there was something else he was hiding. Then again, it wouldn't be the first thing he'd been hiding...

Present Mic: "The rules are simple. Force your opponent out of bounds, or immobilize them! You can also win by making your opponent say, 'I give up!'. Bring on the injuries, also! Because we've got our very own Recovery Girl on standby!"

So they brought the school nurse out for this, huh? What were they expecting to happen? A full-on fistfight with Quirks? Then again, the amount of people who have it in for me, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. Nevertheless, when all is said and done, I won't be needing Recovery Girls' help...The people I fight against on the other hand...

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