Ch 30: 'Fear No More'

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[With this chapter we come ever closer to finally finishing this ARC, and honestly, I feel that is really needed to get this book back in a good vibe. Not only overall, but with me. Even so, I'm excited for what I have to bring with the rematch with Stain and the reader along with a few other moments and surprises I have planned. And hopefully, such things like that can also get you all excited for what is to come. I just gotta keep pushing with things and hope in the long-run we get to a better stage for all things to come together in a way where it feels truly worth it, and enjoyable. This is just another step in that direction, so come along with me as we take that step to another chapter of action!]


[3rd Person POV]

--Thirteen Years Ago--

The sound of birds chirping and the distant voices of children filled the air around a small park somewhere in Tokyo. There was so much joy and peace to be seen, some would have thought this moment was pulled right out of the start of a movie. You know, before the chaos happens. But just like those movies, there are central figures that drive the story forward. And for one young boy with blue hair and glasses, he was one of those figures. This, of course, was none other than Five-Year-Old Tenya Iida, who currently found himself sitting at a bench in the busy park with a smile on his face as he happily licked away at an ice cream his brother had bought for him.

"Are you enjoying your ice cream, Iida?"

It was the very voice of his older brother that spoke, immediately pulling Iida away from the joys of the delicious cold treat to look up at the older boy seated beside him. Tensei Iida, a mere seventeen-year-old boy at this stage, couldn't help but smile down at his little brother as Iida's joyous gaze turned to him. That alone answered his previous question.

Tensei: "Haha! I'm glad!"

Truly, he was. For in just a few short months, Tensei wouldn't be able to spend as much time with his brother as he had previously. All due to the fact that as soon as he turned eighteen, he'd be entering his first year at U.A. Academy! The most acclaimed school for making future Pro Heroes. And just like his parents, Tensei wanted to be a hero, unlike any other. 

It was this love of heroes, however, that also travelled into the genes of his younger brother, Iida. The young five-year-old casually licking away at the Ice Cream in hand as he looked around at the other kids playing together. But as he focused in on a few kids running around whilst holding action figures of All Might and Endeavor, it got Iida wondering something.

Iida: "Tensei? Whose you're favourite hero?!"

Tensei: "Hmm? Who's my favourite hero? Oh, well, um...Let's see..."

Tensei was in the process of thinking up an answer. As he did, he proceeded to aimlessly look around at the world before him. Not really for a particular reason, he just happened to do so as he thought about it. However, it was due to this that he got his answer. An answer that came about when he spotted a Police Officer in the distance holding the hand of a crying little boy. The crying suddenly came to a stop, however, when the little boy spotted his worried mother in the distance. Whatever time it took for the pair to quickly embrace one another seemed nonexistent. But for Tensei, it was more than enough to bring forth his answer.

Tensei: "My favourite hero... Is the people who find a lost child, and do anything it takes to return them back to their family."

Iida: "Huh? Really?"

Tensei: [Smiles at Iida] "...I've always thought those people were the coolest heroes!"

At that moment in time, the young Iida could only look up at his brother in confusion. But even though he didn't fully understand it, he couldn't help but smile at the choice. And as both grew older in age, and understanding, Iida's opinion on Tensei's choice only grew more and more with each news article and story in the paper he saw about how his older brother, the hero known as 'Ingenium' saved the day once again. But it was all these times Iida felt an overwhelming feeling of joy and love for his brother that made this current moment even more depressing...

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