Why Are We Here?

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We see two soldiers one in gold armor with a sliver visor. The other is wearing Sage (Forest Green). Both holding pistols.

Gold: Damn this sucks.

Sage: What do you mean?

Gold: What do I mean? Where stuck in a box canyon in the middle of no where. Just walk around and talk. This is boring as shit.

Sage: Yeah but there those blue guys we fight that 's not boring.

Gold: Oh please we never fight them like we out number them why not just go over there and you know kill them.

Sage: Look we can't ok. Sarge gives the orders and so we can't do nothing.

Gold: Yeah whatever.

Sage: Look let's go talk to Simmons and Grif.

The two walk up on top of the base. Then see the two soldiers. One clad in maroon armor, Simmons, the other in orange, Grif. In the middle of a conversation.

Grif: What's up with that anyway? I mean, I signed on to fight some aliens. Next thing I know, Master Chief blows up the whole Covenant armada and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, fighting a bunch of blue guys

Sage: What are you guys talking about?

Grif: Hey Amity, Hunter just talking why we're here.

Amity the one in Sage: Cool I joined just to see some cool alien shit.

Hunter in gold: So Grif you would like fight aliens with high level weapons and armor. Then a bunch of blue guys.

Grif: You know on second thought yeah a bunch of blue guys sound better.

Zoom in on two soldiers watching Grif and Simmons from atop a cliff, one wielding a sniper rifle and in cobalt armor, Church, the other standing behind him in aqua armor, Tucker.

Tucker: What're they doing?

Church slowly turns around to face Tucker, lowering his rifle.

Church: (aggravated) What?

Tucker: I said, "What are they doing now?"

Church: (frustrated) God damn, I'm getting so sick of answering that question!

Tucker: (defensively) You have the fucking rifle, I can't see shit. Don't bitch at me because I'm not going to just sit up here and play with my dick.

Church: (interrupting) Okay, okay, look... they're just standing there and talking, okay? (getting angry) That's all they're doing. That's all they ever do, is just stand there and talk. That's what they were doing last week, that's what they were doing when you asked me five minutes ago. So, five minutes from now, when you ask me, "What are they doing?" my answer's gonna be, "They're still just talking, and they're still just standing there!"

Both fall silent.

Tucker: ...What're they talking about?

Church: ...You know what? I fucking hate you.

Cut back to the reds.

Grif: Talk about a waste of resources. I mean, we should be out there finding new and intelligent forms of life... you know, fight them.

Simmons: Yeah, no shit. That's why they should put us in charge.

Amity: No they shouldn't you two would suck at it. If anything they should put me in charge.

Simmons: Why?

Amity: Because I'm not a kiss ass.

Grif: Ha!

Simmons: Oh fuck off.

Cut to a low angle shot of a soldier in red armor, Sarge, who is seen looking up at Amity, Hunter, Simmons and Grif.

Sarge: Ladies, front and center on the double!

Simmons: Fuck.

Hunter: Yes sir.

Red Owl Vs Blue RavenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora