Last One Out, Hit the Lights

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Camera pans up to reveal Grif and Simmons standing atop Red Base. Lopez and Eda is visible in the background.

Simmons: Hey.

Grif: Yeah?

Simmons: You ever wonder why we're here?

Grif: No. I never, ever, wonder why we're here. Semper Fi, bitch.

Church possesses Lopez.

Lopez: Keegakergerk!

Simmons: What? What's wrong with Lopez?

They turn to look at him.

Grif: I don't care.

Simmons: Hey, Lopez, uh.. you okay, man?

Church as Lopez: Aye, muchachos, necesito darles...... un aviso...

Caption: Guys, I need to give... you a... warning...

Church: ¿Qué? ¿Por qué estoy hablando en español? ¡Yo no puedo hablar español!

Caption: What? Why am I speaking Spanish? I don't know Spanish!

Simmons: Um... Sure...

Church: ¡No, no, escuchame! ¡La bruja los va a matar! ¡Ella está trabajando en el tanque!

Caption: No, listen to me! The mean woman is going to kill you! She is fixing the tank!

Then a gun shoot was heard at the front of the base the rest of the red team comes up exact Donut.

Sarge: What in Sam hell is going on?!

Eda grins her teeth at the sight.

Lilith standing right in front of red base with her helmet off. She had dark blue hair with little blue eyes. Very pale skin and blue lipstick on.

Lilith: Hello Eda I think is about time we finished something we started a long time ago.

Sarge: Like hell you dirty blue. Men open-.

Eda: No

Sarge: What?

Eda: She right. (Jumping off the base and taking off her helmet. Showing her orange with a grey stripe through it. One eye was gold like color but the other looked blind. With a golden teeth.) That we need to end something we started a long time ago.

Both getting in different fight styles.

Lilith: Started with young blood.

Eda: And ends in old souls.

They start running at each other.

Cut to Tucker overlooking Tex who is still working on the tank.

Tucker: Aw, crap. Caboose, she's almost done fixing Sheila. I better radio Church and tell him what's going on.

Caboose: Oh! Oh! Oh! Tucker, please! Please! Tucker! Tucker! Tucker! Tucker, please! Tuck-

Tucker: Yes, you can be the one who radios Church.

Caboose: Thanks, man. (turns on radio) The Calling Church. Come in, Church. This is your close, personal friend, Private O'Malley.

Tucker: O'Malley? You said your name was Caboose.

Caboose: I never said that, you guys did!

Tucker: Why didn't you correct us?

Gus: But you said your name was Caboose!

Caboose: Because I didn't want to be difficult. (turns on radio... again) Come in, Private Church. Do you copy? Soldier unit Tex almost has the armor vehicle situation rectified. Okay. We require verification of your... mission...ness. (clears throat) How is your progression?

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