What's Mine is Yours

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At blue base, Tucker and Caboose are talking on the upper level.

Tucker: Man, Caboose. You were asleep for a long time. What were you dreaming about?

Caboose: Oh, nothing. I do not like to dream. I try not to think while I'm sleeping.

Tucker: That's pretty much how you function while you're awake, too.

Caboose: I think consistency is important.

The camera changes to show Church, V, and Lillith.

Church: Well, you look ok. Then again, that's just the armor. How do you feel?

Caboose: Great! ...Who're you?

Church: What?

V: Oh I killed his mental image of you. So now he doesn't remember you.

Caboose: Oh, of course! I remember him... you're Marvin!

Church: I'm Church!

Caboose: I think I would remember a name that ridiculous. Nope, you are definitely Phil.

Church: You killed me with the tank.

Caboose: Dave!

Church: You insulted my girlfriend. You called her a cow.

Caboose: Karen!

V: That's a girl name.

Tucker: Dude, he called her a slut.

Lillith: You kill team members mainly Church.

Caboose: Phineas?

Church: Your whole life is based around pleasing me.

Caboose: Wally.

Church: In fact, I think you're kind of obsessed with being my best friend.

V: I don't why he wants that. Your a asshole.

Church: Up yours.

V: Bite me!

Caboose: Milo?

Caboose turns around and whispers to Tucker, but it is loud enough that Church can hear.

Caboose: Psst. The new guy is pretty full of himself.

Church: New guy? What the- I'm not the new guy. You're the new guy!

Tucker: I don't know. I kinda like it. I could get used to calling you Rookie.

Lillith: Me too.

Church: Oh, yea? Could you get used to me beating you to death?

Lillith: You know Luz would kill you if you did that.

Church: Now I know not to do that.

Caboose, again, turns to Tucker.

Caboose: Psst. What's wrong with the rookie? He seems mad.

Church: Oh, son of a bitch.

Caboose: Susan?

The camera then switches to red base, where Donut is attempting to jump onto the upper level, with Grif and Amity watching over him from above. Donut is making grunting noises as he jumps.

Grif: Donut, there is no way you can jump that high.

Donut pauses for a second after he lands.

Donut: Yes I can.

Donut continues jumping, chanting "Yes I can!" as he jumps. Simmons walks up to Grif.

Amity: Come on just give us the 20 bucks.

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